Chapter 17 - Escaped

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Alaera left her room without looking back. There would be time later on to mourn the love she had thought would be forever.

Her steps took her through the already darkening hallway to her sister's rooms, waited shortly by the door but heard no sound coming from inside it. She knocked and entered without waiting for an answer as she heard guards approaching. She did not know how much time would Aemond give her, if any at all.

Helaena was sitting on her chair, looking unworried. She raised her amethyst eyes to Alaera and she regretted having to do this.

"It has begun," Helaena said, with no emotion, sustaining her stare. Those few words held so much weight to Alaera, all that she had feared, all that she had done her best to prevent from happening had now truly come to pass. She broke down and dropped on her knees next to Helaena's feet. She put her tear soaked face on her sister's lap and was glad to feel the shy young woman stroke her braided hair. "You are the one strong enough to carry it, though," she heard her say. "Broken maybe... but you'll fly again," Helaena continued her musings. Alaera lifted her eyes questioningly to her younger sister. "Better than to break and never fly again!" Helaena said as if trying to convince Alaera of something that she should already understand. Her eyes then strayed sideways and sadness covered her beautiful face.

There was much Alaera could endure, but Helaena's sorrow was not something she was willing to witness. "Helaena, where are the children?" she asked, snapping out of her self-allowed moment of weakness and looking around alert.

"Maelor is in the nursery, Jaehaera and Jaehaerys are probably eating their dinner," Helaena answered flatly. "I should go to supper now, sister. Afterwards I must take the children to mother for their bedtime story," she went on.

"Helaena, we must get the children ready. We must leave King's Landing!" she said, getting up from the floor and wiping her face, decided to do all she could for this sweetest soul of all.

"No," was all her sister said, not even looking at her.

"What? Why?" she asked, astonished by the blunt denial, forcefully taking Helaena's hands in hers. She knew she was probably scaring her little sister but she would be soon detained if she dallied any longer. This was her one chance to take Helaena and her children somewhere safe. "Helaena, I can get you out. But it has to be now. I can get you to Dreamfyre and then to safety. Please!" she pleaded, ignoring the tension in her sister's hands at the sudden touch.

"I cannot," Helaena said, again emotionless, her eyes once again meeting Alaera's.

"Why? Because of Aegon...?" she started to ask.

"Because of you," she said and Alaera was dumbstruck. What had she done? Did her sister not trust her? Maybe not. She had been gone for so long, after all. How could have anyone relied on her when she was never there? "If we come with you, you will die, Alaera," Helaena explained and stunned Alaera. "Today."

"I can take care of myself, Helaena. And of you and your children. I have friends who can ensure your safety, but we must get out of King's Landing tonight. I know a secret passage to the Dragonpit. We'll take Dreamfyre and go," she said, trying to impress her capability on her untrusting sister.

"I know you love us, sister," Helaena said with kindness and pulled her hands out of Alaera's and took her face in them. "You never failed me, Alaera," she said, then placed a soft kiss on her forehead and Alaera knew it meant goodbye. "The passages are guarded. You can get out. Just not with us... It would only give Aegon the excuse he needs to execute you," Helaena said flatly, as if she were reciting dull poetry.

"I don't care!" Alaera said. She truly didn't. She felt like she had little left to lose, at this point. It was probably the heartbreak talking, a stray thought passed through the mind, but she shut it out.

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