Chapter 16 - Destroyed

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Aemond Targaryen regretted the words the moment they came out of his mouth. Even when he believed them to be true. They were the ones truly meant to rule. Him in power and strength, her in compassion and fairness.

"What?" was all that Alaera said, her beautiful eyes wide with shock. He had barely dared to form the thoughts in his own mind. To now utter them to the one person he knew would fight tooth and nail against their meaning, the same only person he craved to have by his side in this endeavor, was madness.

"You and I, on the throne, ruling together. We were born for it, Alaera!"

"And what about all the others who are entitled to it or at least think they are?" she asked.

"They will have to accept our rule," he said, full of confidence.

"And if they will not?" she asked, baiting him to say exactly what was on his mind.

"Then we will rain..." he started but was interrupted.

"Do not say 'fire and blood', Aemond. I will not burn the realm to put you on the throne!"

"Us!" he corrected, taking her hands in his.

"No, Aemond! You want to sit the throne and for me to quietly stand next to it and to gladly fuck you after you've...what do you plan exactly? To kill my entire family? All those I hold love for?" she asked, pulling her hands out of his. "Tell me, husband," she said, coming so close to him that their breaths mingled. "How do you plan to kill our siblings? For none of them will give the throne up!"

"I do not plan to kill them myself. Aegon drinks to the extreme... should he happen to be in a difficult situation, I would simply withhold my help," he said and she exhaled deeply in disbelief.

"And my sister, the true heir to the throne? And her sons?" she countered.

"Her bastards will not sit the Throne!" he exclaimed, at once losing his grip on that deep anger that never truly left him, just lay dormant as long as no Strong bastard disguised in Velaryon blue was around.

"I can't believe it!" she exclaimed and turned from him, shaking her head. "I married a maimed boy full of hate and thirst for revenge, not a healed man capable of seeing what's right in front of him!"

"I see you, Alaera. I want you! But I am made for this. I am the heir father waited for. This is my trial, my time to prove myself and take what I was born to have!" he said and watched her cover her mouth with her hand. He approached her again and put his hand above her left hip, avoiding her bruised right side, then slowly pulled her to him. "Your compassion and your kindness, my strength and my drive...we are the perfect match, Alaera! You know it! We fit in every possible way, we complete each other," he said and took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles, then placed her hand on his chest. "You make me better," he said and brushed his lips to hers, then tasted her with his tongue, slowly and patiently coaxing her to respond in kind, which she did. For a few moments he dared to hope. Until she pulled herself away from his arms in an obvious effort.

"You cannot hope to ascend the throne without bloodshed. Targaryen bloodshed, Aemond!" she said, almost hysterically. "What about Helaena's children? Aegon's heirs? What do you plan to do to them? How would you remove them from the succession, uncle Aemond?" she asked, eyes still wide with fear of his not so hidden intentions. Did she actually think him capable of killing Helaena's babes? Didn't she know him at all by now? But was he truly incapable of such a feat, if it meant he would sit the Iron Throne? Could he be the monster she now feared he might be? Where would he stop in his quest for absolute power?

He made a step toward her but saw he stiffen at his approach and halted. "I think Helaena could be impressed upon to give up her children's rights in exchange for their security," he said and her outburst of dry laugh threw him off balance.

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