Loser, Baby

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Dust is dragging Killer outside a bar

Killer:”hey! Let go of me asshole!”

Dust:”No. I'm taking you to the stars. They'll help this madness.”

Killer:”Like heck you are! I can take care of myself!!”

Killer says and breaks free from Dusts grip

Dust:”!- Oh. Really?. Cause I just saw someone self destruction. What? Is being drugged at a bar normal for you?.”

Killer:”Ugh!- You think I asked for it?! I don't asked for any of this! I did ask to be me! But self destructing..It's my escape! If I break myself in the long run, if I end up broken…I finally won't be his favorite anymore…”


Killer sits down, with his hands on his face, Dust joins him

Dust:”..You know. Us trio stick together, we were all Classic once too…or did you forget that while choking down beers?”


The talk clearly isn't helping Killer, as he squeezes his knees

Dust:”...so things look bad, and your backs against the wall~ Your whole existence, seems, fucking hopeless. Your feeling filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall~ Can't face the multiverse sober and dopeless~ You've lost, your way, you think your life is wrecked, well let me just say you're…Correct!~”

Killer:”!- Wait what?-”

Dust:”You're. A. Loser. Baby, a loser. Goddamn baby. You're a fucked up little whiny bitch.”


Dust:”You're a loser just like me.”

Killer:”Thanks asshole.”

Dust:”You're a screws loose, boozer, an only one star reviews-er. You're a power bottom, at rock bottom. But now you've got company.”

Killer:”This suppose to make me feel better?!”

Dust:”There was a time, I thought that no one could relate. In the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged. But letting walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all stuck in this hell bitchass bitch.” 

Killer:”...I sold, my soul. To that psychopathic freak.”

Dust:”Ha! And you think that makes you unique?! Get out of here man. We're both losers, baby, we're losers. It's okay to be a-”

Killer:”A piece of no worth having shit?”

Dust:”Baby, that's fine by me.”

Killer let's out a small smile

Killer:”I'm a loser, honey! A schoomzer! And a dummy! But atleast I know, I'm not alone!”

Dust:”You're a loser-”

Killer and Dust:”Just like me!”

Dust:”We've both an appetite for drinking.”

Killer:”We've both got an appetite for btiching, over the simplest, tiniest things!”

Dust:”Go bitch! Sing that song!!”

Killer:”I've tasted all the liquor available, just to see if any would give me emotions!”

Dust:”I killed my friends and family to defeat that human. And now I'm on bosses leach.”

Killer and Dust:”Im trapped and it gets worse each and every week!”

Killer:”You're a. Loser. Baby.”

Dust:”A loser. But just maybe. If we,”

Killer and Dust:”Face this shit together, thing will end up differently.”

Dust:”It's time to lose your self-loathing, and excuse yourself, let hope in. Baby. Play your cards, be who you are.”

Killer and Dust:”A loser…Just…Like…Me~”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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