Evil Blue AU(joke)

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the video starts with the Murder time trio helping with laundry..suspicious
Nightmare walks in and immediately knows somethings up..usually he has to force one of them to do the laundry.

Nightmare:”okay. Who broke what?”

Killer:”hm? Were just helping with laundry.”

Horror:”like we do.”

Dust:”cause we like to be helpful.”

Nightmare:”quit the crap, when Cross does it, it doesn't work and it won't for you. Let me guess, it costs a grand to fix?.”

Killer:”everything is fine. But if you wanna say thanks you could let us go to outertale this tuesday.”

Dust:”There's gonna be a meteor shower and I can't miss it. This is the most exciting thing to happen in the multiverse since my au was created.”

Nightmare:”hmm. Tuesday? As in…same day as your important missionTuesday?. No.”

Horror:”No?! But it's gonna be the best thing since! ! Oooh! Cookie! *Nom!*”

Nightmare:”sorry but I refuse. We also have Blue as a prisoner mind you. Someone's gotta watch him and it ain't gonna be Cross. He fails at everything.”

Cross:”!- :(“

Killer:”oh please. We all know Blue would benefit us more, if he was apart of the bad guys.”


Killer:”well he's..has a record. In the multiverse..”


Killer explains Blue's “Record” and Nightmare is convinced to add him to the team. They go to the prison room/basement and unchained Blue

Blue:”are you finally letting me go?^^”

Nightmare:”quit the act. You're a part of this group now.”

Blue:”!- says who?!”

Nightmare:”Killer. He told me the truth.”

Blue:”!-... thanks. Killer.'

Killer”..I don't think you actually mean thanks..”

Horror:”! But where's Blue gonna sleep?! His own room?! Cross sleeps in a small room, and we share the big room. What hes gonna get a big room by himself?? Favoritism.”

Nightmare:”your right. I'm not wasting my storage. He'll sleep in the bed that pulls from under Dusts.”

Blue:”!- the bed below the real bed?! I'm saying it once, I'd prefer here.”

Nightmare:”you've been sleeping on a dog bed. This is a step up at least a trundle is made for monsters.”

Blue:”... thanks. Horror."

Horror:”!....’Is your soul racing?’ ”

Killer:” ‘oh yeah.’ “

Dust:”ehehe..one small problem with the trundle bed..”

The next scene shows it's now a weapon storage

Nightmare;”..weapon storage?.”

Dust:”I needed some space so I gave away the mattress..you literally always say we should donate what we don't need.”

Nightmare:”that is literally so generous. I guess you boys gotta figure out who's sleeping in the weapon unit.”

Nightmare walks away and Blue turns to them, death garing them.

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