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SH: "Hmh.. there's something about you, weird."

JW: "Something about me weird? Mkay"

SH: "Anyway..."

??: "Seonghan, Ji-...Jiwoo! Come here!"

JW: "Hm? Who's that?"

SH: "Oh. My cousin must have came to my house."

JW: "Eh?"

SH: "Yeah. He's nice though, don't worry."

JW: "Shouldn't we go to him? Didn't he call us?"

SH: "Oh! Yeah, let's go."

Seonghan and Jiwon ate dinner and then went for a walk around Seoul.

A few days later, they had to return to school, as the break was already over. They returned to their dorms and the next Monday were already going to those, long, boring classes.

It was P.E. class for them at the time. Jiwon went into the changing room, and saw an unfamiliar face.

"Oh... must be a new student." - she thought, and continued to tie up her hair, not really bothered.

The girl suddenly comes up to her.

??: "Excuse me... can you help me?"

JW: "Oh- yeah! What do you need help with?"

??: "It's uh.. physical education class now? Where is the gymnasium?"

JW: "Yes. Out that door." - she points.

??: "Thank you so much!"

JW: "No problem! And... I like your hair, it's very pretty."

??: "Thank you... what's your name?"

JW: "I'm Jiwon. You?"

MY: "Miyoung."

JW: "You're new here?"

MY: "Yeah, I am... it's a bit hard to adjust."

JW: "I know, I just joined this year too."

MY: "Really?"

JW: "Yeah. But you'll get used to it, don't worry."

MY: "Thank you."

Another girl decides to join their conversation. It was Sujin, like always.

SJ: "Jiwon, why are you talking to her?"

JW: "Why shouldn't I?"

SJ: "I think you're a bit.. off, Jiwon. You hang out with Seonghan and then her. Interesting choices. Why do you hang out with that boy? Don't you think it's a bit... "pick me" of you? Hm?"

JW: "I'm allowed to have friends."

SJ: "Yeahh, you are, but only hanging out with guys is weird?"

JW: "Weird how you have eyes to see me hanging out with Seonghan but not Haneul and Gaeul?"

SJ: "Well..."

JW: "Very well! I'll see you around then."

Jiwon smiled and went to the gymnasium.

Gaeul, Jiwon, Miyoung and some others were playing around, not really doing anything significant, meanwhile Seonghan, Jihyun, Na-Hyun and their group were playing with a ball. One of them hit Jiwon with their ball. An unknown guy rushed over.

??: "Jiwon! Jiwon? Are you okay? I'm sorry!"

JW: "Oh? I'm okay!"

??: "Really?"

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