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Months passed from their meeting. They were the closest friends ever.

Jiwon woke up. It's Friday, finally. She got up and put on her uniform, wondering what will happen in school today. She got ready a bit early, so, she came to school when there were only a few people there. She sat down and was reading something, Jihyun, Seonghan and Gaeul were the only ones who didn't come yet. She saw Na-Hyun and Sunkyung. They were always together. Finally when Seonghan came, she wasn't bored anymore. He seemed happy, to her delight.

SH: "Jiwon!"

JW: "Hii!"

SH: "Can I sit with you?"

JW: "Of course... how are you?"

SH: "Great... You?"

JW: "Same... I'm happy to see you happy."

SH: "Haha... okay. Do you want to go out after school?"

JW: "Yes... where will we go?"

SH: "Hm... I want to go to the park"

JW: "Sure"

SH: "Great"

Their conversation was cut off by the teacher coming in. After 7 long classes, their day was done. Jiwon met Seonghan outside.

SH: "Should we go?"

JW: "Yes"

After they walked in the park, they went to Jiwon's dorm. They were sitting on the balcony once again.

JW: "How are you doing?"

SH: "Better, although, not really great."

JW: "At least you're better."

SH: "Yeah..."

JW: "Anything else bothering you?"

SH: "Um... Yeah."

JW: "What is it?"

SH: "Do you know Sujin?"

JW: "Mhm..."

SH: "I had a situation.."

JW: "What happened?"

SH: "She asked me out.. I said no.. and.. she started being mean... and then physically harmed me..."

JW: "Oh my God what!?"

SH: "Yeah..."

JW: "Are you okay!?"

SH: "I am... not mentally though..."

JW: "How...? And how did she harm you?"

SH: "She hit me..."

SH: "Jiwon... this bullying is getting to me..."

JW: "Please don't let it affect you... whatever mean thing she said, it's not true. You deserve the best and only the best. I want to help you... you need to know..."

SH: "Thank you... but I'm having such a hard time dealing with it... I had a... bad thought..."

JW: "Oh- ... Did you tell our teacher about Sujin?"

SH: "I did... it's okay now, she apologized and the teacher knows but... Sujin isn't the only one who bullied me... you know that already..."

JW: "I know... I just want to make sure you're okay..."

SH: "I'm not... I won't lie to you..."

JW: "It sounds stupid but why aren't you okay? I don't know how else to phrase it... I mean like are you physically not okay?"

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