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Seonghan knocked on Jiwon's door in the morning, she opened, not surprised.

JW: "Hello"

SH: "Morning, I had an important thing to tell you"

JW: "Which is?"

SH: "Would you like to stay at my house over winter break? Like my family's house?"

JW: "Of course... but did you ask your parents? Are you sure I won't disturb your family?"

SH: "I asked of course, they said they'll be glad to meet my friend. And, you're so nice and well behaved, you won't disturb anyone, don't talk about random stupid things!"

JW: "Okay, okay... Thank you for inviting me."

SH: "Well, you should get ready.. Can we leave in an hour?"

JW: "Yeah, call me."

SH: "I will, see you~"

As Jiwon was getting ready, she was so nervous to meet Seonghan's family because she was afraid she'll annoy them or disturb them, since she hasn't stayed at someone's house for such a long time in Korea, she just hoped she'll somehow fit in and it won't be awkward. She packed up everything and got dressed appropriately, wearing something simple such as jeans and a long sleeved shirt.


SH: "Jiwonaaah, are you ready??"

JW: "Yes I'll come soon, wait!"

She meets him

SH: "Finally! What took that much?"

JW: "Things, I don't know.."

SH: "Mkay.. Anyway, come with me."

They start walking

JW: "I'm getting kind of... nervous now."

SH: "Why?"

JW: "I've never stayed at someone's house for a while like that. I'm scared to disturb."

SH: "Don't worry, they've heard endless stories about you, and all the best, you're not disturbing anyone."

JW: "Thanks. But still, what if I don't make a good impression and your parents dislike the person their son hangs out with?"

SH: "Pleasee.. You're gonna be fine. They know you, from a to z, they'll like you."

JW: "I don't know.. I hope so."

SH: "Just don't worry about anything and be yourself, it's easy for you, you're an extrovert..."

JW: "I know, and I never have problems like that but now, I don't know what's gotten into me."

SH: "It'll be fine."

JW: "Thank you."

"Hm.. should probably think of a method to distract her from this." - Seonghan thought to himself.

SH: "Jiwon-ah, what's your MBTI type?"

JW: "I think ENFJ. What's yours?"

SH: "INFP. Don't they go well as friends?"

JW: "Hmh.. I'm not sure. Hopefully hh."

SH: "Yeahh. I think it's compatible."

Seonghan talked her out of worrying as they reached his house. He knocked on the door.

A slightly shorter woman, who looked quite similar to him, and young too, opened the door. She was Baram, Seonghan's mother.

BR: "Hello! Oh! You're Jiwon, right?"

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