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Knock knock knock

JW: "I'll go check who that is."

She opened the door, Sunkyung and Na-Hyun were standing there.

SK: "Hey Jiwon! Do you want to hang out with us? This is my friend Na-Hyun by the way."

NH: "Hi..." - he seemed a bit shy

JW: "Oh sure, your friend is with me too."

JW: "Seonghan, come here!"

He rushed to the door. They greeted each other and Sunkyung and Na-Hyun took them to a cafe. They had a lot of fun together and Jiwon got closer with all of them. She didn't talk to Na-Hyun before, but she realized he's really sweet.
As a few days passed, it was time to go to school again. Jiwon got ready, and, she really looked pretty. Her hair was always in a pretty style, this time, it was half tied with a bow. She went to English class first. She sat down, and there was an empty seat next to her. Seonghan soon came and he took the seat.

SH: "Hi... how are you?"

JW: "Heyy~ Great! You?"

SH: "Me too... so... did you remember to eat today?"

JW: "Haha... yeah. Did you??"

SH: "I did. What do we have after this?"

Jiwon looked at their schedule.

JW: "Physical education"

SH: "Ah okay..."

The teacher walked in, and after a long 45 minutes, the class was done. They walked down the hall, and Jiwon walked into the girls changing room. She didn't know anyone here at all. After changing into gym clothes, she was tying her hair, when some girl came up to her.

GIRL: "Excuse me... do you have a hair tie?"

JW: "Oh yes."

She took one off her wrist and gave it to the girl.

GIRL: "Thank you so much... what's your name?"

JW: "I'm Jiwon. You?" - She asked with a smile

HN: "I'm Haneul. Nice to meet you!"

JW: "It's nice to meet you too. Your name is really pretty!"

HN: "Ah thank you!! So is yours."

Another girl came up to them. She was shorter, had long hair and looked really pretty.

HN: "This is Gaeul."

GL: "Are you Jiwon? You're new to our class, right?

JW: "Yeah, nice to meet you."

GL: "Nice to meet you too! We should go, the bell will ring soon."

JW: "Alright."

HN: "Yeah."

They walked out to the gymnasium.

As Jiwon walked out there, she saw Seonghan and Sunkyung. She talked to them for a bit before another girl, Sujin, came up to her.

SJ: "Jiwon... do you know Haneul and Gaeul?"

Jiwon turned to her

JW: "I do... are you Sujin?"

SJ: "Mhm. You're friends with them?"

Sujin gestured to Sunkyung and Seonghan

JW: "Yeah"

SJ: "Lucky girl..."

JW: "Uh... okay"

This time, Jeonghan came behind her. She didn't talk to him much either, but he seemed kind.

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