Pretty Doll - chapter 28

Start from the beginning

Undeterred, Sunghoon joined in. The two chased each other around the roof, hands busy forming snowy ammunition.

Though most shots went wide, missing the target, their laughter never ceased. The crisp air filled with the musical sounds of their delight as they played together, momentarily lost in their winter wonderland.

"Hyung let's make a snowman and then get inside." Sunoo suggested to make a snowman and the older one nodded, a gentle smile spreading across his face as he watched Sunoo gleefully gather up snow in his mitten-clad hands, packing it tightly to form the base of their snowy friend.

Sunghoon joined in, rolling up a large snowball and carefully lifting it atop the bottom one as Sunoo watched in amusement. Together, they sculpted the head, their hands brushing as they molded the snow.

Once finished, both stepped back to admire their work. Sunoo wrapped the scarf he was wearing around the snowman's neck, giving it a playful hug.

Sunghoon chuckled at the endearing sight, pulling out his phone to capture the moment. Sunoo posed happily next to the snowman, his youthful features glowing. After snapping a few photos, Sunghoon slid in next to Sunoo, their cheeks touching as they smiled for a selfie.

After the impromptu photoshoot, Sunghoon noticed Sunoo's hair was damp and his clothes were speckled with melting snow.

"Let's get inside, your hair and clothes are wet now." he said, gently grasping Sunoo's arm. The younger was still snapping pictures of their snowman, captivated by their creation.

"Yes~~" Sunoo sang in as response while both entered the villa, both enveloped in warmth, the cozy interior a striking contrast from the cold outside.

Sunoo's eyes wandered around the luxurious living room, taking in the plush furnishings and twinkling lights that cast a magical glow. The whole villa was illuminated for the night, each room grander than the last.

"Go take a bath and I'll bring wine for us." Sunghoon led the younger one down a long hallway, pointing out the washroom.

Sunoo turned back, parting his lips as if to say something, but Sunghoon had already disappeared around the corner. The younger sighed softly, and entered the elegant washroom to soak in a relaxing bubble bath.


Sunoo moved the soft loofah in slow, circular motions across his damp skin, lost in thought.

"Should I tell him today?" the question repeated in his mind as he mechanically scrubbed himself clean. He wanted to speak to Sunghoon tonight, to let out the burden he'd been carrying ever since he deleted those videos.

"Why didn't Sunghoon bring it up himself?" Sunoo wondered, rinsing the soap from his body. Despite everything that had happened, he noticed Sunghoon never mentioned the videos - did he not notice they were gone? Or was he purposely avoiding the topic?

Sunoo felt uneasy, confused by the contradictions in Sunghoon's life. Sunghoon had confided in him about his difficult past, yet somehow he owned this lavish villa outside the city. How did that add up?

As he worked the loofah over his shoulders, lost in contemplation, a sudden knock on the bathroom door made him jump.

"Come out baby, if you're done." came Sunghoon's soft voice through the door. But to Sunoo's ears, something in his tone seemed off, lacking it's usual warmth. At Sunghoon's unexpected interruption, nervousness twisted Sunoo's stomach.

"Just a minute." Sunoo called lightly in response, hurrying to rinse off. A few minutes later he emerged, wearing his cozy woolen nightdress, still unsure if he should confess to Sunghoon tonight.

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