Shadows of Fear

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Name: James Warren.
Position: Leader of Dark Serpants.

Name: Mike Tate.
Position: James assistant (left hand) and his childhood friend.

Name: Jack Riot.
Position: Right hand of James

Name: Yale Blackwell
Position: Youngest member of gang. Assassin.


As they entered the mansion, the dimly lit corridors seemed to close in around them, amplifying the sense of dread that gripped their hearts.

Kenta, his voice laced with urgency and fear, called out, "WAY! KIM! SONIC!"

But his words dissolved into the eerie silence that enveloped the house.

North's hands clenched into fists, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of the boys.

"They have to be here somewhere," he muttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of rage and fear.

Meanwhile, Winner's face paled as he stumbled upon the lifeless bodies of one of their men.

"No... No, this can't be happening," he whispered, his hands shaking uncontrollably as he knelt beside the fallen comrade.

Pete's jaw tightened as he surveyed the carnage, his mind racing with thoughts of the boys' safety.

"We have to find them, NOW," he declared, his voice cutting through the heavy silence like a blade.

Amidst the chaos, kenta's voice pierced the air, a mix of desperation and determination.

"THEY HAVE TO BE ALIVE. We can't lose hope," he said, his words a rallying cry in the face of despair.

Together, they pressed forward, their hearts heavy with the weight of uncertainty, but their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. They would find the boys, no matter the cost.

As they scoured the mansion for any trace of the missing boys, tension hung heavy in the air, suffocating them with each passing moment.

Pete's clenched fists trembled with rage and frustration, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance for the atrocities committed against their family.

Winner, his brow furrowed in determination, meticulously combed through the scene for any clue that might shed light on their attackers.

Every overturned furniture, every drop of blood, held the potential to unravel the mystery and bring them one step closer to justice.

Meanwhile, Kenta and North, their footsteps echoing through the empty halls, continued their frantic search, their hearts pounding with fear for the safety of their loved ones.

"KIM! WAY! SONIC! WHERE ARE YOU?" Kenta's voice echoed off the walls, a desperate plea for a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

North's eyes scanned every shadow, every corner, his senses on high alert as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of their once-secure stronghold.

"Stay strong, north. We'll find them," he whispered to himself, his voice a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos.

North, his heart heavy with dread, pushed forward with unwavering determination, refusing to succumb to despair.

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