Entangled Intentions

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In their fancy mansion, the brothers gathered after meeting the boys. Winner, with an air of nonchalance, gazed at his brothers before speaking up.

"You know, I've already done my homework on these boys," he remarked, his tone laced with sarcasm that cut through the air.

Pete, Kenta, and North exchanged glances, intrigued by what Winner had unearthed."

"Before Phi pete decided to play the savior, before Kenta developed a keen interest, and started watching that kid and even before North decided to adopt the name 'Shadow' for our mysterious friend over there," Winner continued, a sly grin playing on his lips.

His brothers remained silent, acknowledging Winner's ability to stay one step ahead in gathering information. Winner, always the strategist, reveled in the knowledge that he possessed information that had eluded the rest.

"So, care to enlighten us with your findings, Winner?" Pete inquired, gesturing for Winner to share the insights he had gathered.

"Let's just say our newfound acquaintances have quite the backstory.
Way, Kim, and Sonic, brothers with a knack for taking care of an orphanage while juggling various odd jobs. Their lives might seem ordinary, but there's more struggle" Winner replied cryptically, his eyes gleaming with a shrewd understanding.

Winner added, " To some up the basic details, here it is "
He gestured towards the screen.

Name: Way Supanut

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Name: Way Supanut.
Age: 24
Family: An Orphan.
Friends: Kim and Sonic. Consider them as his family with orphanage kids. Protective over them.
Hobbies: Loves to cook and sing as well.
Status: No information found about his biological parents. He grew up in the orphanage, he decided to stay there and help the father of the orphanage. He loves kids, and is a motherly figure to him even if he is a boy.

Winner looked at Pete, who was staring at the information about way. Winner smirked, " This was about Pete's boy. Now let's move to Kenta's".

Name: Kim BenzAge: 21Family: An orphan

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Name: Kim Benz
Age: 21
Family: An orphan.
Friends: way and Sonic. Considers them like his own brothers.
Hobbies: Loves dancing and sings as well.
Status: His parents died in an accident when he was lil.
He grew up in the orphanage with way and sonic. He also wanted to help his brother way and father in orphanage and decided to stay. He's really protective of sonic.

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