Fête des Fées

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Harry could see the excitement radiating off of the people around him, and he was grinning broadly. He wrapped his arm around Draco's and kissed him, leaving the platinum blond pink around the cheeks.

Finally, they reached the front of the line and Pansy cast the wing spell on him while Hermione did the same to Draco. Harry felt the artificial wings sprout from his back and gracefully mist into existence. They were black as a pitch with beautiful glittering patterns of silver shimmering along the edges. The smallest dots of green, like little emeralds dotted the silver. 

Draco's wings were pure white, grayer toward the center near his shoulder blades, with gorgeous, twisting edges of gold and adorned with little ruby colored glitter. Both sets of wings were almost translucent and made everyone around then stare.

Harry smiled, watching Draco admire their wings. The taller boy reached out and touched Harry's wings ever so gently, but it sent a shiver up Harry's spine, and the brunett relaxed into Draco's arms.

Draco placed a kiss on Harry's forehead, and went inside. The two opened the door and stepped to the right to let others in. Stopping short, their mouths fell open at what they saw.

The room was dark, but corners glowed with with small clusters of different colored fairies, the ceiling arches lined with rows of them too. The floor was there, but not at the same time? It shimmered in and out of existence, a starry blue and purple abyss below. The ceiling itself mimicked that, giving a feeling of floating. In the dead center, there was a large rotund skylight that must have been enchanted because the moon was enlarged and taking up the whole skylight. 

That's when Harry remembered the wings.  Remembering the instructions Pansy had given them earlier, he willed the wings to flap, lifting him up and into the air. Draco followed suit, rising up and entwining their hands together as they watched the scene around them. Harry and Draco were in the center of the room, watching little fairies flit around the room, and people drinking and eating both on the ground and in the air. 

The moonlight shining down on them was like a spotlight illuminating their wings making the colors bounce and refract around the room, drawing the attention of almost everyone. Draco's pale skin was illuminated and practically glowing leaving Harry looking like his shadow counterpart beside him.

The two began to test out their wings twisting and turning gracefully. To anyone below them, they looked like te perfect couple, light and dark, day and night, yin and yang, a few whispers of royalty made their way around the room. Looping and floating together in a sort of unspoken dance routine they were in perfect harmony. Harry and Draco came to a stand still palms pressed together and laughed at eachother quietly, completely oblivious to the attention their dance had attracted, or that it had even been a dance.

Music played faintly in the background as the chatter resumed, and Harry and Draco flew around the larger room before spotting a smaller door towards the back. There was a heart with fairy wings painted on it and a small window of woven, wooden vines. Opening the door, Harry saw a corridor of doors. 

Spotting a door slightly ajar, he pushed it open to find a comfortable-looking room with a bed, couch, and wardrobe. Opening the wardrobe, he found an assortment of scandalous outfits, for lack of a better word, and toys. Not the kind a child would play with though, and with his face heating up he practically ran out of the room slamming into Draco.

Draco wrapped his arms around him with a worried expression and lifted Harry's chin to look at him.

"Are you alright love? You're all red..." Draco said and put a hand up to Harry's forehead.

Pushing back from Draco's embrace, he let himself calm down before answering.

"I uh..I was looking around and these rooms caught me by surprise. I guess I should've known that Pansy would put sex rooms in here..."

"Oh. Oh. OH. Oh..I guess that got you by surprise huh? I'm sorry love, I should've warned you. She does this at all her parties." Draco replied with a laugh. 

Harry grimaced but reached up and put a hand on Draco's cheek. Draco leaned into the touch, smiling. Harry rose ever so slightly into the air and kissed Draco on the mouth, slowly, and gently. Draco rose and pushed back, kissing, putting one hand on Harry's ass, and the other at the base of his neck.

Draco pushed the brunett gently against the wall, the kiss heating up and becoming a bit more desperate. Draco bit Harry's lip gently asking for permission before slipping his tongue in. Sliding his tongue accidentally over one of Harry's canines he let out a groan. A rumble from his throat made Harry moan quietly.

Satisfied, he pulled away with another kiss to Harry's slightly swollen lips and one to his forehead. 

"How about we go get something to drink and we can come back here later?" He asked, ignoring the annoyed look on his boyfriend's face.

"Yah, sure," Harry replied, feeling somewhat dejected. He walked after Draco to the large room again. They rose into the air and flew over to the drinks table where they got a beer each.

They managed to be roped into a game of truth or dare with Firewhiskey, and by the time they were out of that, they were thoroughly embarrassed and completely wasted. Draco drew close to Harry and kissed him hard. Taken by surprise, Harry let out a surprised squeak and flew backward, hitting a wall. 

Draco was on top of him before you could say Butterbeer, kissing quickly and sloppily. Harry reciprocated, feeling his face warm and a flush rush up to his neck and down to his crotch. 

Suddenly, Draco's lips were gone from his and Harry felt them latch onto his neck beginning to nip and suck at the sensitive skin. A moan escaped from Harry's mouth, audible enough for Draco, even in his drunken stupor, to decide it was time to make for the room they had previously been by. 

Pushing open the wooden door Draco took a break from kissing Harry to quickly look for the door they had been near. Spotting it at the other end of the hallway he pulled the brunett by the waist toward the room. Draco tugged open the door and pushed Harry in and slammed the door, flicking the occupied switch and closing the shade all in one movement.

Harry was already struggling with his buttons and clothes but the alcohol was making him frantic and he couldn't focus. Draco stepped forward slowly, the world all of a sudden blurry and the bass of the music becoming a hum in the background. 

He put a gentle hand to Harry's soft face, and kissed him. The shorter boy kissed back, leaning his body against his boyfriend. Their wings glowed brighter, fluttering slightly as the two pressed their bodies against eachother, and Draco used his free hand to quickly stroke one of Harry's dark wings before switching to popping off his buttons.

{So yes, I'm leaving this one as a cliffhanger. I don't feel very comfortable with smut yet and it takes a lot of mental strength to write :')

So I'll kind mention it next chapter. For the next few days I'll try to post every day, but I'm trying to keep up with my tiktok acc too. If you want to go check that out you can, same username. Thank you for being so patient my lovelies <3 

Have a great day/night girls/gals/non-binary pals}

Word Count: 1281

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