Changing Scenes

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Alright so here's a short summary even though not much happened: Harry lost his virginity and then Draco and Harry fell asleep together

Alright, enjoy

Harry woke up the next morning held gently in Draco's arms. He smiled and kissed Draco's cheek before extracting himself carefully from his boyfriend's embrace. Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed to go to his room and shower, however as he stood up and started to move, his legs gave out under him. 

He fell to the floor with a thud, causing Draco to wake with a start. He shot up off the pillow to see an indignant looking Harry glaring at him from the floor.

"O-oh..." Draco said trying his hardest not to laugh, but with a broad smile on his face. 

Harry was less amused but the blond's smile never ceased to soften his heart. 

"I'm sorry Raven," Draco said, at this point he was laughing as he pushed off the bed to help his immobile boyfriend, "I didn't think you'd take it that hard." 

"Mhm...well it's a good thing it's the weekend because you're taking care of me until I can walk again!" Harry replied, well peeved at this point.

"I'd have it no other way love." Draco said lovingly as he scooped Harry up off the floor.

Harry's heart fluttered, but he squashed the feeling because he was determined to be mad. As Draco carried him into the bathroom Harry searched his body for any sources of pain. He had tons of bruises where Draco had been kissing and biting the night before, and a red spot on his ass where Draco had spanked him several times.

Draco set Harry on the vanity, making sure he was upright, before going to open the tap on the bathtub. He waited as the water warmed and bent over to plug the drain. Harry admired his ass from behind before Draco asked him, smirk evident in his voice, "Like what you see Raven?"

"Well I can't imagine why I wouldn't." The brunett replied smiling.

Laughing, Draco grabbed Harry's waist with one hand and his ass in the other, picking him up and bringing his boyfriend to the bathtub. Draco set down Harry into the warm water, before sliding in behind him.

"Does this help?" Draco asked Harry, putting, small, loving kisses and Harry cheek and neck.

"Very much..." Harry said quietly, leaning into the blond. "Can we just stay in bed today? Please..?" 

"Of course Love. Are you alright?"

"I think so, it's just really hard to keep my eyes open..." Harry said groggily, as he turned slightly between his boyfriend's legs and curling into his chest.

Draco paused momentarily to look at Harry whose face was flushed pink and a dull red.  

"Woah..Love? I need you to do something for me." Draco said gently, but firm.


"I need you to stay awake. Just for now. Can you do that for me Raven?" Draco said, stroking Harry's cheek gently.

"Sure Dray~" Harry said, smiling sweetly up at his boyfriend.

Slipping out of the bathtub, Draco quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him as he grabbed a second one. Pulling Harry up he wrapped the brunett in the towel and cradled him in his arms. Walking out of them bathroom, Draco spelled them dry and set a sleepy Harry on the edge of the bed.

Padding quickly across the floor he flung open the closet doors and started to rifle through it. Finding what he was looking for he pulled back with a soft, green Slytherin sweatshirt and plaid green and blue pajama pants. For himself he pulled out a blue crew neck t-shirt and and matching trousers.

"Drayyyyy..." Harry whispered from behind him, "I feel hot.." He could hear Harry cringing without looking at him. 

"I know Raven, hold on just another minute. I'm almost done." 

He grabbed boxers for them and walked back over to the bed. Harry slipped on the boxers and pants as Draco pulled everything on quickly. Helping Harry slip the sweatshirt over his head, Draco pulled the covers down and walked around to the other side of the large four-poster bed.

Harry flopped down on the cool pillow without pulling the covers up and smiled. Draco slid onto the cool sheets and Harry felt himself being tugged closer. 

"Love, you have a fever. " Draco said sweetly, sweeping his thumb over Harry's cheek. Harry leaned into Draco's cool hand, smiling. Everything was hazy and his eyes were too hot, but Draco had told him to stay awake.

"Go on, close your eyes Raven it's alright. I'll wake you up later." 

"Ok..." The brunett replied sleepily, his eyes already close. Harry was asleep barely a second later.

Draco tucked his chin in the crook of Harry's shoulder and drifted off to sleep after setting an alarm.


Harry was thrust from the warm darkness to the sound of wings flapping around him. He opened his eyes to find Hecate flitting around the room, leaving sun-colored feathers trailing behind her. She gently flew down to land on his midsection and nuzzled his cheek affectionately.

"Hello Hecate. What have you brought me?" Harry asked as he stroked her soft down. He felt much better, his eyes light and his mind clear. 

Hecate dropped a little red envelope laced with gold around the edges and another just like it in a shade of emerald green with similar silver trim. His name was ornately carved into the surface of the red letter, as well as Draco's on the green, and was moving ever so slightly to give the effect that it was shimmering.

Summoning a gilded letter opener from Draco's desk nearby, Harry slid the envelope open. He could already feel Hermione's magical signature on it as the invitation lifted itself from his fingers and opened. Paper lilies and roses unfolded themselves and floating around in line around the red paper.

Dear Harry,

I assume Draco has spoken to you about the party that Pansy and I will be holding soon and I've finally gotten around to getting official invitations to everybody invited. You and Draco are both invited, you'll see that in his letter, and we can't wait to see you there! 

The theme is all formal of course and I was hoping for everyone to come in their favorite colors or house colors. Tomorrow at 10 come to the ROR. 

See you then Harry,


The end of the page was signed with swooping, shimmering hearts and a little pheonix in fiery gold in the corner. Harry gave Hecate a treat before getting up to put her in her cage. He steadied himself against one of the posters of the bed, taking a deep breath before holding out his arm for her the grip onto. 

He walked out of the room and down the hallway, into the sitting room, and pried open the gold clasp on Hecate's cage. She hopped through the door and settled on the soft nest at the bottom.

Harry then padded quietly into his room to shower and change, turning on his favourite song, sound proofing the room, and turning it all the way up.  He got into the shower and got ready for the day.

{Aaaaand that's a wrap for this chapter! I've already started working on the next chapter so that the delay isn't too long, and I hope you guys enjoy! <3

Have a great day/night girls/gals/non-binary pals :) }

Word Count: 1261

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