Sharing Dorms

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"And this is where you'll all be staying. Your names are marked on the doors, make your way through unpacking as you see fit, and if you have no plans of being at the feast let me know now." McGonagall said as strode to the door, robes fluttering elegantly behind her.

The eighth-year dorms were something that none of them had expected. They were in one of the largest towers in the castle, somewhere on the North side. A large, marble staircase twisted up the center of the tower, with moving platforms for each room. 

The tower was monstrous, reaching higher than any other point in the castle. When you reached the top of the staircase, if you so wished to, there was a large outdoor veranda encasing the tower and the beautiful garden within. 

The top of the tower, its name being Nightshade Tower with the tower as a nickname, was of the finest glass, and magnified the stars, so at night you could look up and admire them.

There was hanging vegetation of all kinds including flowers, ivy, and many other decorative plants. Several waterfalls cascaded down the tower, only making sense if you were a wielder of magic, from and into magnificent shimmering pools throughout the large space.

At the very bottom of the tower was a common room in colors of blue and gold with accents of red, silver, green, and yellow and a large cozy fireplace.

There was a kitchenette on one side near the beginning of the flight of steps and a laundry room nearby.

As many of the eighth years began the trek up the stairs the Golden and Silver Trio looked around, poking and prodding everything before becoming satisfied and starting up the steps.

The first room with their names was halfway up the tower with Ronald Weasley and Blaise Zabini engraved on shimmering gold plaques. Draco furrowed his brow but shrugged it off as his best friend and his boyfriend entered their room to explore.

Three floors from the top of Nightshade Tower was another room marked Pansy Parkinson and Hermione Granger in glittering midnight purple signs. Draco hissed out air through his teeth.

"Great. Now they're all gonna be too busy snogging to ever hang out with us." He said, looking rather peeved.

"I'm sure that's not true Draco. The excitement will wear off plenty soon." Harry tried to appease the taller blonde who was striding elegantly, if not haughtily, up the stairs.

On the last floor, there was a room with 2 signs. They were entwined together with two snakes, one gold, and one silver. Spelled out in small glittering gemstones were the names Draco Malfoy and Harry James Potter.

"Oh yes, go ahead and put his middle name. Our Saint Potter!" Draco huffed, looking slightly flushed.

Harry laughed gently before taking Draco calmly by the hand and pushing open the door. The inside was decorated in a way that amused Harry quite a bit. The main room was split perfectly between Slytherin and Gryffindor colors and he started to laugh.

They looked at each other before walking slowly to their rooms. Harry's was decorated very Gryffindor and Quidditch themed while Draco's was more on the Slytherin, potions, and study theme.

Meeting back in the room in the middle with a couch, they decided to unpack after the feast and made their way downstairs, side by side, hands occasionally brushing together.


Harry woke up in a cold sweat, shooting up from his pillow, trembling. Another nightmare. Harry had had nightmares since the end of the war, and they never went away. On the verge of tears harry got up clutching his pillow tightly and went to get water.

On his way back to his room a candle from Draco's room flicked on and a messy, platinum blonde head came padding out of his room.

"Harry?" He half-whispered groggily. "Are you ok? You're shaking" 

Seemingly more alert Draco quickly made his way over to Harry prying one hand gently off the pillow. Harry felt a traitorous tear slide down his face, surprised when he felt one of Draco's warm, gentle fingers brush his cheek and the tear with it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Harry couldn't...find the words, so he shook his head and leaned, somewhat dazed, closer to Draco.

Draco tried again.

"Do you want to stay with me?" He said taking Harry's chin and making his big green eyes look at him. 

More tears spilled out and Harry could feel himself threatening to break down. So he nodded , biting his lip, and leaned his head into the crook of Draco's neck.Draco breathed in Harry's warm, familiar smell and took him gently by the waist, leading Harry to his bedroom.

He laid Harry down gently, and slid into the soft, cool sheets beside him. Wrapping one arm around Harry's waist and pulling him closer, he could feel the brunett relaxing and his breathing became normal. 

Eventually it slowed, and Draco buried his face in Harry's neck feeling sleep start to take over. But he kept thinking about what would happen in the morning, when Harry woke up. How would they go about it, about their day?

Draco had had a super sized crush on The Boy Who Lived since the near beginning but never had the courage to do anything. Over time he realised that there might be a chance he would never get to.

And then he saved Harry. Protected him from the evil that was his father. 

Now, he loved Harry Potter even more, and it might just be his end.

{That should keep you guys satiated for now :)

I'll try and do 1 part every day to two days. Have a great day/night girls/gals/non-binary pals}

Word Count: 942

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