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Friday rolled around quickly, dragging Hogwarts students with it. Harry had told Draco about the invitation when he'd woken up the prior Monday. Draco had been to one of Pansy's parties before, and even back when things were tamped down because of the war she had always been rather...eccentric. 

But, they had received formal invitations from Hermione which meant there might be some sense to the madness. One could hope anyway. Nonetheless, Harry and Draco alike were excited about the party. 

As the day wore on, period after period, the tension among the older students grew becoming so thick you could cut it with a knife. The professors knew something was up, but mostly kept it to themselves as it couldn't cause too much harm for the young adults to cut loose a little.

Some of the older year sixes were altogether too jittery, no doubt excited about being included in something involving the famous year eights, and some potions were spilled during 5th period. 

Draco spent most of the day with Pansy and Blaise, resolving to spend time with his friends for once. Pansy practically radiated energy and Blaise spent most of the day telling her to calm down as her spells went haywire. Finally, in the last period she upset several pots in the Herbology classroom causing glowing blue roots to spread across the floor and promptly getting kicked out of the room with Draco and Blaise in tow.

Pansy rushed off with Blaise to the Room of Requirements to put the finishing touches on the party, smashing into Hermione in the process and dragging her down the hallway with her. Draco let out a breathy sigh as Harry rounded the corner and into his sightline.

Flashing one of his blinding smiles he picked up his pace to meet his partner in the center of the hallway. Harry leaned up, planting a sweet, soft kiss on Draco's lips, leaving the blonde grinning. Draco wrapped his arms gently around Harry's waist and pushed him to the edge of the corridor, against the wall. He leaned down slightly and planted his lips firmly on Harry's, lifting his right hand to the shorter brunett's cheek.

Harry giggled lightly and returned the favor before taking the hand on his cheek and leading Draco back to Nightshade Tower. 

"Come on Dray. We have to make sure our outfits are ready for the party!" Harry called over his shoulder as he moved swiftly down the hall with Draco behind him. 

"I know. You've said that several times already Raven." Draco replied dryly, hiding the smile still plastered on his face.


10 o'clock came swiftly and the eight years began to emerge from their dorms. Harry was wearing a black tank top with red and gold narcissus and tight dark blue jeans and Draco came after him wear a crisp, black, collared shirt with swirling silver lilies with green eyes and dusty grey dress pants.

Ron and Blaise were waiting among the other eight years, Ron wearing an indigo dress shirt with roses in Gryffindor colors down the back and loose, black jeans. Blaise had a collared short-sleeved shirt in a deep shade of red with Slytherin colors in a twisting design down his sides.

All the eighth years had gone a bit overboard in dressing, but they were all smiles. It was good to see everyone coming out of their shells for once, everything had been quiet, and no one smiled nearly as much as they used to.  The war had taken a big toll on the whole wizarding world, but slowly but surely people were beginning to recover.

Harry took Draco's hand gently and led him out into the corridor. He heard the shuffling of feet and the sound of shoe heels hitting the stone floor starting after him and pulled Draco behind the door in the corridor for a chaste kiss before continuing down the hallway.

Draco smiled sweetly, his heart-warming towards the boy with messy, raven hair. He followed Harry down the hallway as year sixes, sevens, and eights began to emerge and make their way quietly to the ROR. Everyone was buzzing with excitement and there was a quiet hum of chatter rising from the now rather large group.

As the huddle of Hogwarts students stopped in front of a large stone wall a door appeared and Pansy marched out with Hermione on her arm. Pansy was wearing a tight velveteen dress that pushed up her breasts, and Hermione in a flowing rose-colored dress. Both had flower crowns in their hair and, to the surprise of everyone, luminescent fairy wings floating behind them.

"Welcome everyone!" Pansy began, her voice low in volume but carrying across the hall. "So, I know we have been keeping you lot in the dark about this, and I promise it was for a good reason! So when Herm and I were planning, we need a theme, right? So we came up with something we thought you would all like. Of course we had help, and our new little friends are going to be helping around the party!"

Murmurs spread around the group, people excited and curious about what was to come. The students quieted down as Pansy opened her mouth to speak again.

"Now Hermione and I decided to try a fairy theme, and before you say anything, trust me. It's very worth it, my amazing girlfriend helped with the magic. So, in order to enter the Room, we need to give you a pair of wings. Don't worry, they're easy to use." 

{So I'm gonna stop this chapter here and do the rest in the next chapter or this one would be too long. I'm already working on it so it'll be out in the next few hours I think. Thank you for your patience my loves <3

Have a great day/night girls/gals/non-binary pals}

Word Count: 969

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