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                      A few years ago, prior to
         Leon's arrival in Raccoon City, Midwest.


It's an hour before six in the evening. I got a call from my superior earlier today about the job I applied to which made me nervous and excited at the same time.

Finally. Everything I worked for has now come into fruition.

But first things first. How will my girlfriend react to the good news once I tell her we're going on our separate ways at least for a few weeks till I get used to my shift and familiarized myself in the area.

She's been orphaned too and in my own experience it's really hard to deal with when your loved ones disappear from your sight.

However, it's not a secret that I've been waiting for this chance all my life, ever since my parents and sister passed away. Getting picked to work at the place I chose to be is a huge opportunity for me and I'm sure she'll be able to understand that.

We've known each other since she moved into the neighborhood at the age of seven and I was ten.

Having lived literally next to their house, we've been friends and classmates till high school. I began courting her when I got into college, in fear that someone might beat me to it and lose her in for good.

I just know she'll be sad but also happy for me at the same time.

I called her apartment but she didn't respond. I figured she was still at work or at least at the middle of driving back home so I decided to wait at the entrance and surprise her.

I took a deep breath and composed myself to greet some of the tenants walking in. They greeted me back and a few asked why I was just standing outside when the air is chilly enough to get me sick.

I explained myself and politely declined their offer to have a smoke.

Fortunately I was wearing a blue windbreaker over a plain long sleeved shirt and light blue denim jeans paired with white rubber shoes that was more than enough to protect me from catching a cold.

An hour later I started to get worried so I called the restaurant she works for and the lady owner herself said that Y/N actually took a day off.

I didn't think too deeply and only assumed she went out with her friends. I was about to leave when she finally arrived.

"Hey babe," I greeted her with a smile from ear to ear. I almost thought I have to go back early in the morning to let her know about my plans before leaving, which will make it harder for the both of us.

"L-Leon? What are you doing here?" She looked so shocked while approaching, which confused me for a second. It's not the first time I came here without her knowledge but I didn't think too deeply about it.

Contrary to my expectations, she's wearing a red pair of suits over a white blouse and her hair is tied in a bun.

The streetlights behind gave off a purple glow over her hair, dimmed her face and overall sillouette yet I can't take my eyes off of her. I haven't seen her in a formal wear but I'm glad I did, at least before I leave.

"I was waiting for you." I replied while offering my arm for her to cling on. She only walked next to me and I sensed exhaustion in her voice as we climbed up the stairs.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I went out for a job hunt."

"How did it go?" I asked curiously. If she's going to work in a better environment where she doesn't get constantly harassed by tourists whilst getting paid shit then it's a yes from me.

"I got accepted but it's quite complicated. I have to stay there till my contract expires which will mean years."

My right foot hung in the air and my eyes widened at her.

Y/N turned around atop the stairs and caught me off guard when she pulled my head in for a kiss. It was a deep one which would've tasted better without her tears mixed in.

"I'm sorry Leon. I love you but I have to do this and I don't want to drag you down by waiting for me when you have a bright future ahead of you."

She pulled a 180 and got me stunned for a moment.

"Wait, are you really going to break up with me just because you got some job outside the city?"

I couldn't hide the pain and disappointment in my voice.

"I know you wanted to become a cop and once you do, worrying about my whereabouts will only make it harder for you."

"What makes you think I won't end up suffering instead?"

She went silent and just stood there staring at me with those reddening eyes. I couldn't take it so I stepped forward and grabbed her left shoulder for a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I don't mind having a long distance relationship with you. I love you Y/N. I don't care even if I have to wait years to meet you again."

She hugged me back. I rejoiced but that was short lived. It was so tight that I can feel I'm going to lose her as soon as she breaks away.

"Just tell me where you're going and I'll try to visit you."

"You can't. They wouldn't let it and I already signed the contract."

"How about calling you whenever you're free."

"Leon please... I don't want to hold you back."

She took a deep breath and stepped away.

"You deserve better."

I don't even understand why she said that when to me she's the perfect one that I know I can live with for the rest of my life. It doesn't make sense, unless she's grown out of love with me.

I can't even bring myself to ask her directly. Instead, I tried to convince her to change her mind but she kept blocking my attempts as if there's no other choice but to give up.

"Goodbye Leon."

Her last words before she rushed towards her room. I couldn't even breathe without my tears falling at the complete turn of events so I decided to leave and give her space to think things through.

I plan to talk to her again the next morning but as I was packing my things, I got a call from a cop working in Raccoon City.


"Is this Leon S. Kennedy?"

I frowned at the guy panting heavily like he just reached the top of a mountain by foot.

"Y-yes sir. That's me."

"This is Raccoon City Police Department."

I was still a bit distracted by my overwhelming feelings that I had to clear my throat to prevent embarrassing myself.

"You are advised to stay away from the city until further notice rookie. There's an ongoing viral outbreak and the military has barricaded every entrance and exit to the city."

I almost choked in surprise. He ended the call abruptly before I get to ask any questions regarding the situation.


I sighed deeply. I slowly pulled the zipper to shut the black bag full of my clothes and necessities and lifted it up to hide inside my closet.

Then I plopped down on the bed and pondered over my problems while staring at the white ceiling, ignoring the bright fluorescent light in the middle of it.

This delay is both an advantage and disadvantage to me because as much as possible, I wanted to help them out but I've been ordered to stay put. Whereas for personal reasons, I'm glad I had another chance to fix my relationship.

However, luck wasn't actually by my side when I discovered the next day that Y/N has already left her home and left no trace at all.

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