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The feel of warm water drizzling over the top of my head, down to every inch of my body feels like heaven right after completing another strenuous mission.

It successfully washed away the dried dirt and blood stuck on my skin and shallow wounds as I watched them go down the drain.

If only it can also take my growing anxiety away, it would've been a lot better.

I was staring at my own diminishing reflection over the long mirror due to thickening mist when sudden flashbacks of the Plagas infection slide through my brain and I almost puked at that the thought that the virus wasn't fully obliterated by the death of the parasite even though it was still on an early stage.

I shook my head and convinced myself that Luis was right and I'm just suffering the aftermath of such terrible situation.

"Nope. You're not going through PTSD. You're just tired. Nothing a good night rest can't fix. I just need those sleeping pills to keep me from waking up from those terrible dreams."

I blinked twice as I step away from the shower and lathered a generous amount of shampoo on my sticky hair. I brushed it with my fingers vigorously, hoping to erase every lingering unpleasant memory.

I let it sit on my head while I scrubbed my whole body with soap and then let the water rinse everything off while I press my palms against the cold tiled wall.

I began contemplating if I should take a few days break from work just to get back on my feet but it could make them all think I'm becoming weak.

Especially when I was just getting started and yet I sound like I'm on my way to beg for retirement.

I suddenly remember the conversation Claire and I had awhile back at the Raccoon City while walking down the road with Sherry. It boosted my confidence and gave me the much needed motivation to cope with my freshly born anxiety.

Thinking about it now I wonder how she's doing. The last thing I heard from her was she's asking for her brother's help.

What if one day that's gonna be my fate? No one giving fucks to throw their life for my sake? Dying where no one will ever find my corpse or end up being one of those things.

Muscles inside my stomach suddenly contracted, causing the food I shoved inside earlier to begin propelling upwards.

"Fuck. I think I'm losing it."

I groaned loudly then shut the water off. I suddenly feel suffocated in the cramped bathroom so I quickly wiped myself up and put on a grey shirt and black boxers to prepare to sleep.

It wasn't as hard as I initially thought, but as soon as my eyelids started getting really heavy, the phone sitting over the bedside table got me jolting, I almost bumped my elbow against the hard lamp-table.

I let it ring for a few times to make it seem I wasn't too eager to answer it. Honestly, it's so annoying to get a call at the middle of the night after losing sleep for days due to the intensity of my last mission.

"Leon, I knew you'd be there."

Damn. I literally breathed.

"Sorry, not gonna fall for that credit card scam..."

"I've got no time for this Leon."

"Same goes for me."

"This isn't a joke. Here I thought you're the only person I could trust."

"That's rich coming from you Ada."

"You're still salty about last time huh? Get over it Leon."

"I am, that's why I'm not listening to your bullshit."

"Alright. So I'll take that as in you are not interested in getting ahold of the cure that could save billions."

"Wow. I've never heard something like that before."

"This is different. A potential vaccine for the new Progenitor variant being developed right as we speak."

"Oh really? Enlighten me then."

"The new mixed strain is going to get released into the atmosphere as soon as it's completed. So it will come in handy before that happens."

"Same old same old. I'm quite amazed you're even sharing this information to me."

"Because I thought you'd be needing it. Take it as my token of appreciation."

"Are you involved and trying to appease your guilty conscience by telling me this? I want an honest answer Ada."

That moment of silence made me think she already hung the phone like how she always leave me hanging after getting cornered.

"... I just wanted to make sure you'll survive Leon. After all, you make my job worthwhile."

I didn't expect she'd say those words but I don't want her to think I'm rejoicing about it either so I asked about the details to change the topic.

"Okay then. What do you want me to do?"

"Simple. I sent you an envelope containing the photo of  the person reported to be holding the cure and current location. But be careful out there, it's not gonna be a walk in the park considering someone else is after it as well."

"I figured as much."

"Wish you all the best. Let me know when you've obtained it."

"I don't even have your number."

"Don't worry. I'll call you."

Just like that, she quickly ended the call. I sighed in defeat. I'm such an idiot but I can't help it. When will this end?

I grunted as I opened the door to check the reception for my mail but to my surprise, the brown envelope with my name on it is already lying on the carpeted floor.

I looked left and right to confirm if someone else is in the area. The long dimmed hallway's deafening silence confirmed Ada's long gone even if she was the one who left it there.

I closed and locked the door right after picking it up.

"This is sensitive information and yet she treats it like a game."

I sighed and ripped the side to open it. There were two papers inside, the one above was all the data collected from Umbrella Corporation.

(Y/N) (L/N).

I almost choked seeing a familiar name and squinted at the bold letters atop the plain white page.

There's no fucking way.

Reading every bit of information written in a piece of paper only cemented the fact that this is the same person who dumped me after graduation.

What the hell is going on?

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