When we didn't answered him back and contiue to look at him, He smacked his lips and instantly turned his head behind him, After confirming that nothing behind him, He let out an audible sigh and turned back at us. Noticing our still-remaining-shocked-face, he waved at his hand infront our face.

"Hey! Can you here me?! God! What the hell happened to you guys?!" His frustrated groan made us to recover from our trance.

"Yah! What made you guys to freeze to the point that, you guys can not wake up from it with out looing at my handsome face?!" Apart from his narcissistic remark, his voice laced with concern.

Clearing her throat a little, Jane answered back at him.

"Nothing, It's just uh!...it's just that...you just called me b-beautiful" she finally told him, admist her stutterings.

He, on the other hand, let out a loud scoff.

"Yes! What's wrong with me calling you beautiful. Isn't your name is beautiful?!" He trailed off in the end, when he looked liked he fianlly caught on what the hell is going on.

Averting his eyes to the ground, scratching the back of his neck, He cleared his throat and apologized.

"I'm sorry, If I offended you by forgetting your name. It was never my intention to mixup your name with any other words, though beautiful sounds more better than Jane." He mumbled to himself the last part, which, of course was audible enough to reach my ears that made me snort a little bit. Jane looked like a shying mess under the compliment shower from Sehun.

"You don't have to apologize for anything. Just leave it."

Right after her reassurance, a little ding sounded from the toaster, which indicated my bread is ready which is also helped them to break from their awkward situation. 

Following the silence, I was busy buttering the toast when Jane decited to break it.

"Anyways, what's the occasion for your sudden arrival Sehun-shi?"

That caught us off guard. Me and Sehun exchanged a quick eye contact, unble to find an excuse right then and there. Well, I can't just blabber at my friend about my encounter with those mafia guys and their boss and basically the whole bizarre. So, I just give her an excuse which suddenly popped up in my head.

"We had a big fight during our high school graduation and then he moved to another city. We never had a chance to talk things and make up again. So after all these years, He felt guilty for his doings and So am I!"

"But, why is he here?" She crossed her arms, leaning onto the kitchen counter.

She seriously acts like a detective sometimes.

"He wanted to apologize for all those events and want us to be friends again." I finished and saw her opening her mouth again.

"Jane, If you continue to ask stupid question like these, I'm going to kick you out." I warned her.

"I have the right to know who is this Sehun suddenly showing up in the morning and disturbing my sleep." She said as a matter of fact. "Though, I ain't complain about it." Mumbled to herself, looking at him with a shy smile, in which, he retured it to her with the same shyness.

"You two are all butterflies and rainbows, I might just puke" I deadpanned, arms folded as I face the duo.

With that, I made my way towards the living room to eat my breakfast, unable to stand near the cringe couple a minute longer and plopped myself into the sofa. Taking the toast in one hand and the phone into another, I scrolled through social media while munching my breakfast.

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