Keziah: Yeah!

Despite how sleepy she looked, she found enough energy to run upstairs to my bedroom. I turned to Fantasia who looked like she wanted to cry. I feel really bad for her, but I also have to sympathize with Danielle and understand where she's coming from. At the same time, Fantasia probably wants Danielle to be more sensitive to how this situation is effecting her. Neither of them are wrong. Kendall is the only bad guy.

Taraji: You're being a child, Tasia.

Fantasia: She's being a bitch, Raji.

Taraji: Her reaction and feelings are completely valid.

Fantasia: And mine aren't? She snapped at me as if I asked for Kendall to show up and ruin everything. You're just defending her because she likes you more than she likes me. You know it's true.

Taraji: I could have sworn I sent Keziah upstairs, yet I still have this pouting toddler in front of me. You're being ridiculous. Danielle loves you. She's always been by your side, and she's always down to scheme with you in all the stupid shit you think of. She was your friend first and it shows. You know how dangerous Kendall is. You can't fault her for doing what's best for her family.

Fantasia: I guess. Look, can you watch Ziah while I go to the house and get Dallas? I'm gonna pack a few bags for them and take them to my mom's house. It's not safe for them to be with me right now, not with Kendall constantly coming after me.

Taraji: That's probably for the best. Text me when you've got Dallas safely out of the house.

Fantasia: I will. Love you.

Taraji: I love you, too.

She pecked my lips before walking out of the door. I went upstairs to my bedroom, finding Keziah laying down and watching Bluey. Her eyes were getting heavy, but she was blinking rapidly in an attempt to fight her sleep.

Keziah: Where's mommy?

Taraji: She went to go get your brother. You guys are gonna get to spend some time with your grandma. Does that make you excited?

Keziah: Yeah. I don't wanna be home with daddy anymore. He's not acting like daddy. He's acting different. He was scary today and he hurt mommy. Is he gonna hurt me, too?

Taraji: Your mommy would never let that happen, and I wouldn't either.

Kenzie: You promise pinkie?

Taraji: Of course.

She held her little pinkie out to me and I interlocked mine with it, sealing the promise with a kiss to her forehead. I stayed with her and stroked her hair until she fell asleep. About 15 minutes later, I got a text from Fantasia saying that she had Dallas, but that wasn't the notification that grabbed my attention. Someone was calling me. Every time I answer and unknown number some shit goes down, but this could be Tempest calling from her hotel, or maybe my mom is trying to reach me from a new number since I blocked her.

Operator: This is a collect call coming from the Atlanta County Jail. Do you accept the charges?

Taraji: Yes?

Confusion was laced in my voice as I went through a list in my head of all the people I know, trying to think of who could be calling me from jail, but the only person who came to mind was Kelvin.

Taraji: Hello?

Tempest:*crying* Taraji, I'm so sorry for bothering you but I didn't know who else to call. You've gotta help me?

Taraji: This is you, Tempest? What's going on? How did you end up in jail?

Tempest: Something went seriously wrong. I'll explain more when I see you, if I see you. Please come get me. I promise I'll pay you all the bail money back. Please help me.

Taraji: I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm watching a child, but her mother should be back soon. Just hang tight, ok?

Tempest: Ok. Please don't leave me in here.

I could hear the tears in her voice. I should have known that she would be trouble as soon as I laid eyes on her, but I figure I should at least hear her out first before making her the villain. I guess it's time for me to step into my role as a big sister.

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