Chp.10 Tag Team Match Pt.2

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Back to the show, Cody was in the ring facing off Damien Priest as Damien has Cody on the floor head locking him...

Corey: We're back here LIVE on RAW, and as we can see here Cody is in trouble as Damien takes the upper lead.

Damien picks Cody up, lifts him up and body slams him to the ground again, runs to the ropes back to Cody and leg drops him towards his neck, he goes for the pin as the referee does the count, and cuts to 2...

Patrick: Cody kicks out, luckily he's got some fight in him left.

Corey: Well don't forget Patrick, the only reason the judgement day has the advantage now is by sneak attacking both Cody and (WN)! As we can see earlier during the commercial, (WN) again was attacked behind by both Dom and Priest and pushes again by the steal steps as Cody tries to stop them and Finn Balor coming out of nowhere and dropping Cody with a Slingblade outside the ring.

Damien pulls Cody to his corner and makes a tag with Finn as Finn enters the ring and lands a kick towards Cody's ribs and Damien exiting the ring. Finn pushes Cody to the ropes, he too runs to the ropes as Cody turns and Finn again gives a sling blade to Cody, dropping him to the ground as the judgement day cheer for Finn and the crowd booing them. Finn looks at (YN) and started taunting him, trying to get him disqualified, Finn goes back to Cody, picks him up and pushes him towards the corner of the turnbuckle, and picking him up on top of it as Finn gets on top and to wrap Cody's arm around his neck and to go for a super-plex on the top rope, but Cody started fighting back, landing hits towards Finn's gut, and some headbutt's, Finn is stunned for a bit, as Cody takes the advantage, does a sunset-flip over Finn, landing on the mat, and having Finn on top of his shoulders carrying him, running towards the other turnbuckle and tossing him towards the corner as both Finn and Cody are down...

Corey: What a impact! Cody still got some fight in him!

Patrick; That's right, but will he have enough time to make a tag! Both Finn and Cody are reaching for their partners at the same time! Who will make the tag first!?

As Cody crawls to his corner to make the tag to (YN) and the crowd cheering for Cody to make the tag, but Finn manage to make rhetorical tag first as Damien comes in, runs to Cody and grab his leg and pull him away from (YN), but Cody quickly gets up on one foot, and landing a kick towards Damien's head, stunning him as Cody quickly crawls, and leaps and makes the tag as the crowd cheers...

Patrick: Cody makes the tag! And here comes (WN)!

(YN) sprints to Damien, giving him several clothesline hits, then he tackles Damien towards the turnbuckle corner, runs to the opposite corner, and sprints back and lands a brutal shoulder tackle towards Damien, Finn tries to sneak attack (YN) from behind but (YN) was quickly to react as he grabs and holds Finn and belly Suplex him across the ring, Damien tries to go for a boot to (YN), but misses as (YN) rushes behind Damien, wraps his arms around him and to German Suplex him, and giving him two more German Suplexes. After that, Finna again rushes to (YN), and goes for a hit, but misses as (YN) runs to the ropes and back to Finn, leaps up in the air and lands a cloth line to Finn dropping him down to the ground...

Corey: (WN) is unstoppable at this point! Just look how quickly and vicious he took both Finn and Damien down!

Patrick: The crowd loves it when (WN) kicks ass!

(YN) looks at Damien, noticing him slowly getting up, (YN) walks up to a corner, squats down and stares at him as he gets ready to do his finisher.

Corey: Is he about to end this already?!

Patrick: It would seem like it Corey, he's about to spear the living hell out of Damien!

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