Chp.6 The Epic Debut

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(YN)'s music hit, as it was playing, the fans, even the wrestlers in the ring were confused and never recognize the song, even the announcers...
But as soon they reveal (YN)'s wrestling name and his nickname, the whole crowd went wild and cheered so loud like if the arena was erupting, they knew who (YN) is and where he use to wrestle. (YN) walks out and as he reveals himself, making his very first appearance in front of the entire crowd, they went more wild and crazy during (YN)'s appearance debut...

Michael: OH.MY.LORD!!!

Pat: NO! No freaking way!! It's happening Cole! It's happening! Holy crap!! He's here!! He's freaking here!!

(YN) can feel the hype from the fans of how excited they are to see him in WWE and making his debut. He wants to smile so bad, but at the same time he has to stay in character, he takes a deep breathe, and marches his way to the ring...

Michael: Ladies and gentlemen! This is the anonymous superstar we've expected to arrive here! This right here is (WN)! One of the most dominant, dangerous and yet unstoppable wrestler! He is indestructible during his times in Japan Pro Wrestling for over 7 years! And he is here to cause more destruction!

Pat: Folks we are about to witness cinema over here! This divine being, marching his way down, is going to cook those the ones in the ring! I cannot wait what is he gonna do in the ring!

Michael: I tell you what Pat, (WN) is always an ass kicker when it comes in the ring!

(YN) continues to March his way down to the ring, and can hear and feel the hype of the fans when he passes them by, and are digging his theme music.
Once he arrives outside the ring, he stops for a moment, and to stare down at the three superstars that are standing still, Bobby, Brock, and Gunther. Once his music stopped, the fans started to cheer more louder as they are noticing the stand off between them.

Pat: And look at this! (WN) starring down at the three superstars are standing tall still!

Michael: The all mighty Bobby Lashley, the ring general Gunther, and the beast Brock Lesnar! All the of them starring down at (YN), as it would seem they are gonna work together as (YN) looks at them! Ready to take them down and the rest in the ring!

(YN) notices Brock in the rumble, and can't even believe he's about to wrestle against his fan favorite, but still, he needs to focus on keeping in character...he cracks his knuckles, and without wasting time, he rushes and slides in the ring and to dash to Brock and tackles him down and beating him up as the crowd goes more wild and louder...

Michael: (WN) took the beast down! He took Brock down!!

Pat: And he's beating the holy hell out of him!!

Michael: And now Gunther and Bobby working together to take (WN) down!

Both Gunther and Bobby pull (YN) away from Brock and trying attacking him, but (YN) elbows Gunther towards his gut, and to the take down Bobby with a vicious clothesline, as he falls down as well. Gunther tries to sneak behind, but (YN) quickly turns and to tackle him to the corner of the turnbuckle and started striking Gunther with his shoulder attacks, (YN) felt Bobby coming from behind, as he quickly grabs Bobby by the neck, and to toss him to Gunther as (YN) runs towards the opposite of the turnbuckle, and to dash straight towards Bobby and Gunther and landing a brutal spear towards Bobby and Gunther to the turnbuckle, knocking them both down.

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