One thing about me, I'm very blunt. No matter how close we are I always keep it straight forward and don't sugarcoat anything.

"Low as fuck," He laughed.

"Shit, I don't give a fuck."

The bell rang and I smiled to myself knowing that we had lunch next and that I would get to see Neno.

I hurriedly packed up my stuff and went into the cafeteria, sitting down at the lunch table where he always sat. Before we had gotten close I usually sat with some acquaintances I had but now we had made this our thing. I would come sit and wait for him to get out the lunch line since I never ate the school lunch anyway.

I watched him maneuver through the lunch line before finally seeing him approach the table, making me smile widely.

"Hey!" I smiled as he sat down.

"Hey, Cici." He looked at me.

His tone sounded dry as hell. I couldn't tell if he sounded extremely pissed off or sad but it was one or the other. And his face screamed that there was something wrong with him I just couldn't tell what it was.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"I'm cool." He nodded then gave me a tight lipped smile before biting into his pizza that he had gotten.

"You not giving off 'I'm cool' vibes.."

"What you mean?"

"Your face. Your whole demeanor really—"

"I look ugly today or sum?" He laughed.

"Nah not at all. You just sound sad, you look sad. I usually see your smile as soon as you walk up to me but I don't know."

"You hella observant. It's just some shit at home but I'm cool."

"You wanna talk about it?" I tilted my head.

"I said I'm cool, Cici."

Alrighty then.

"You coming to my game?"

"Yes, Neno. I am going to your game." I said while laughing, watching the way his face lit up in excitement.

"You for real? Don't stand me up now. You lie to me about this I might not ever fuck wit' yo ass again—"

"I'm going. I promise."


      I walked in my house seeing my parents holding hands as my mother cried while looking at him. It looked like some shit straight out of some depressing movie so I sat my bookbag down then attempted to walk upstairs, minding my business.

"Kacie." I heard my mother croak out to me.

I mentally rolled my eyes and turned around, "Yes?"

"Can you sit down for a minute?"

I wanted to say no, selfish ass bitch. But instead I just nodded and sat my ass down, wondering what she was about to say.

"I don't have much time left.." She said before breaking down into tears.

I mean that's kind of what happens with cancer especially when you don't take your treatments but whatever.

"Your mother and I finally went to the doctor today and they told her that she has a month, at most and that we should work on making her comfortable." My dad stated.

As mad as I was at my mother, I never wanted to see her die. She was a great mother to me and I wanted nothing more but for her to able to see me graduate, get married, get in my first relationship. And to know she might not be able to see those things it honestly made me tear up.

"I'm sorry for how I've been these past few months. I have been closed off, reserved, bitchy, and hardheaded and I am so sorry." She spoke through tears.

"But now that my days are limited I just really want us to be close as a family. I know the reason that we're not is my wrongdoing but I am so sorry."

I nodded as tears began to fall down my face, which was weird. I was so mad at her and in my head I had convinced myself that I had hated her. But here I was, crying like a baby.

"I'm sorry for everything I did as well. Let's put everything in the past and just move forward." My dad wrapped his arm around her.

The anger was still there, and although where we are now could have been prevented I felt like I had no choice but to just move forward and forget the past.

"Hopefully I can fight and make it to Christmas."

If this lady die on Christmas imma be fucked up.

Please don't.

"It's all in the past." I wiped my eyes and hugged her.

What is life???


𝐚/𝐧: both characters got mommy issues how sad..

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