Electra: from hating to lose to loving to win

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Electra has a very long character arc within the series. She was raised by her adoptive parents to be naturally competitive, dynamic and sporty. With her affinity with sports came the philosophy of hating to lose more than loving to win. These are the words of her adoptive mother, Aria:

"You can lose gracefully to your friends, but when it comes to opposing teams and villains, you have to hate losing more than you love winning. If and when you lose to them, don't tolerate it, not even for a second. You lash out at them and demand revenge. Don't stop until the opponent finally gets what they deserve."

Ever since the start of Season 1, Electra has taken those words to heart. She would never accept defeat from someone else. Take a look at this chart below.

Electra alternates between the teal and yellow sections of the chart

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Electra alternates between the teal and yellow sections of the chart. Of course she's never aggressive towards her friends or family members, but she is aggressive towards villains when she loses to them. She reiterates her hatred of losing to villains over and over again. It's not until the end of my Season 6 rewrite that she has a change of heart. She realizes that hating to lose has gotten her nowhere but defeated time and time again, and that her desire for revenge is futile. After finally defeating Valtor for the second time, she chooses to leave her old vengeful ways behind and embrace a new perspective of winning and losing. Now, she loves winning more than she hates losing, and from Season 7 onwards, she is mildly passive aggressive and has developed a new method to control her anger after defeat.

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