Chapter twenty-two

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I feel my heart thudding loudly in my chest, while blood pumps through my body rapidly, causing my ears to burn hot and ring.

I look at my dad who's just staring at me, probably waiting for me to say something back, but every time I try to speak, nothing comes out.

It's like I'm stuck in an endless nightmare, never knowing when I'm going to wake up.

Except this is real, this is actually happening.

"Annie.." he breathes quietly, reaching out to place a hand on my shoulder, making me stumble backwards trembling in anxiety.

All I can do is stare at my father in disbelief and resent. The man who's meant to protect me from men like Rafe, not push me into the arms of them.

I give him one last look before rushing out of the living room and up to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

I collapse onto my bed, letting out a loud sob into my pillow. The reality of the situation shattering me completely.

My head throbs painfully as my mind races with different thoughts and emotions, overwhelming me to a whole new level.

Did Sarah know about this? Did rafe?!

How long has this been the plan??? Does my dad know what Rafe is really like?

I mean of course he does! He's known the Cameron's my entire life. How stupid could I have been to think differently.

My own father, my own blood... marrying me off to a complete and utter psychopath for his own benefit.

Really living up to his kook title now isn't he. How naive could I have been to think he was different, like me... like mom.

Before I let the intrusive thoughts of my deceased mother flood my mind, I quickly sit up, wiping my wet cheeks off with the back of my jittery hand.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, the small clock on my nightstand catching my attention.

Shit... Rafe.

With ten minutes before Rafe is supposedly meant to be outside, i scurry over to my closet, ramming as many different clothes in a duffel bag as I can.

I'm not entirely sure what his plans are or why he wants to get me at this time, especially with a bag of clothes, but I've learned over time not to question it.

I chuck my now heavy bag of clothes on the bed before checking myself in the mirror.

my reflection stares back at me, showing my puffy eyes and tear stained red cheeks.

I pull a sweater out, tugging it over my dress that I'm still wearing from earlier this evening before making my way to the bathroom.

I splash my uncomfortably warm face with cold water, hoping it'll cover up any signs that I was crying.

Once satisfied with how the cold water eased up my scarlet face, I head back into my room, swiftly grabbing my bag and begin walking down the stairs.

I hesitantly step into the living room, knowing that's where I left my purse with my phone and cash inside, but also aware that my dad may very well still be in there.

I see him still sat on the sofa, his knee bouncing up and down as he types on his phone. His attention is immediately pulled away from the screen as I walk in, his gaze dropping to the bag in my hand then back to my face.

I retrieve my phone and purse from the sofa where I left it, not even managing to look his way as he watches me intently.

"Where are you going?" He mutters, his eyes on me.

"I'm meeting Rafe" I reply, little to no emotion left in my voice as I speak.

He nods briefly, before turning his attention back to his phone, seemingly less agitated than he was just a moment ago.

Of course he is, I'm running right into Rafe's arms just like he wants.

My psychotic future husband. How Romantic?

I briskly make my way out of the living room and towards the front door, not bothering to muster up another word to my father before exiting the house.

Just as expected, Rafe's car is sat outside in the drive, the engine still running in a low hum as he waits on me.

I tap on the glass window of the trunk so he can unlock it for me, quickly after I hear a clicking noise, letting me pull open the door and throw my bag in.

Once I'm finished I make my way to the passenger side, sliding myself in and tugging my seatbelt on.

I look over at rafe who's eyes are on me, an unreadable but odd expression on his face as he watches me.

"Ready?" He mumbles, I nod and hum quietly in agreement before he reverses out of the drive and begins driving.

I tap my fingers on my bare knees anxiously, deciding whether to ask him what the plan is or just go with the flow.

"So... uh, what's happening?" I stammer, my nails picking at the fabric of my dress as I speak.

"You're staying at mines" he replies casually, his eyes focused on the road in front of us.

I furrow my brows and pause in perplexity before speaking.

"What's with the bag of clothes then?" I ask him quietly.

"You're staying indefinitely" he replies smoothly, his voice making it obvious there isn't going to be a choice in the matter.

(I tried making this chapter longer! Hope you enjoyed :)

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat