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-bad grammar


(No ships)


I laid in my bed, taking in the sights of my bland, boring white ceiling I stare at all day. I frequently questioned why my family was so different than the other families at my school. I didn't really notice it that much when I was like five or six but I'm ten now. I'm basically like a grown up!

I get that my dad has to work for the constitution I think it's called and he has to work on all this stuff. Blah blah blah. I've heard it at least a hundred times now. I'd never really say that to his face tho. I'm a humble guy but I know I'm polite.

I look out my window, seeing all the snow. I remember reading a book and seeing other children and their parents build snowman's, play snowball, or just spend time. I wanna do that! I thought to myself. I never experienced any of that kinda stuff.

I put on my coat and I ran downstairs to my mother "Ma! Can we go outside and build a snowman?" I asked. I had a feeling she was gonna say yes. So with me being stupid, I got my hopes up.

My mom glanced at me before crouching down to my height, cupping my cheek "Oh sweetie, it's much too cold outside. Don't go out there. You'll catch a cold" my mother explained

I seemed pretty confused "We have our coats tho?"

My mother sighed "Even if we did dress winter appropriately, I'm busy right now sweetie. Just go play in the living room." She had said, letting go of my cheek as she stood up

My eyes went blank as I looked away "Okay." I said quietly, walking back to my room

When I entered my room I just laid back on my bed, letting out a long sigh. Yes, she made time with me to practice French and play piano but she was constantly busy. And my dad..Working.

I didn't have any siblings at the time so I just laid in my bed, bored as hell.

I decided just to take a nap for now, switching off my lamp and closing the curtains, fluttering my eyes shut


I eventually woke up and I most likely stayed in bed for another 30 minutes. But I eventually got up and sat on my chair, fiddling with my song notebook.

That's when I had an idea. I ripped out 3 sheets of my paper in my notebook and I crumpled each one into a ball.

I drew 2 dot eyes on one of the balls and drew a small orange line for the nose. I stacked them together, forming a somewhat snowman?

I just stared at it, the only support holding it up being my hands. I glanced out my window and saw a child my age, making a snowman with his mom and dad. They had smiles on their faces and they were all together.

For some reason. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I just cried. I cried and cried my heart out, putting my head on my desk as the crumpled up paper fell to the ground

Why could I have what they had. Why'd my family have to be so different.

Short chapter againnnn 😭
ugh poor Philip

Thank you for reading♡︎

-632 words

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