"He left for a business trip," Tiffany told her "Not that you know because you're going out 24/7 not caring about your mother's loneliness" She joked about being alone once again. Jimin laughed at her mother's drama and sat next to her, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

" aww Mom I promise I will spend more time with you," Jimin said. Her mother broke into a smile, unable to resist Jimin's charm. Jimin had always had a special place in her mother's heart.

As Tiffany spoke, Jimin could sense the jealousy in her voice. "Seems like minjeong is now getting all the attention," Tiffany said. Jimin tried to lighten the mood with a laugh, and it worked Tiffany laughed too. "I am happy for you, Jimin," she said, cupping Jimin's cheeks and looking into her eyes. "I love you."

Jimin felt a lump form in her throat, and tears welled up in her eyes. "Mom, why are you speaking so sweetly? You're making me cry," she said, trying to hold back her tears. Tiffany laughed and wiped away Jimin's tears. "I love you too," she said "As much as I enjoy spending mother and daughter time with you, I need to go see Minjeong. I promised her I would come back," Jimin said, standing up. "And I also got a job."

Tiffany's eyes lit up with pride and joy. "Really? Congratulations, sweetie! I always knew you could do it," she said, kissing Jimin's cheeks. After a few more moments of chatting, Jimin headed upstairs to change her clothes, knowing she was running late and needed to see Minjeong.

Jimin arrived at Minjeong's apartment, her smile never leaving her face. As she walked up the stairs to the apartment building, she thought of knocking on the door but then remembered that she had a spare key and decided to use it to enter the apartment quietly.

As she stepped inside, she looked around and noticed that somi was in the living room, who was sitting on the couch and watching TV. Jimin thought of doing something funny to surprise her, so she walked quietly behind Somi and suddenly grabbed her shoulders roughly, hoping to give her a good scare. However, instead of being scared, Somi just turned her head and looked at Jimin with an unamused expression.

Jimin felt a little disappointed that her attempt to scare Somi had failed, but she couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Somi then smirked "Better luck next time, I don't get scared that easily." somi told Jimin. Jimin rolled her eyes.

"do you know where Minjeongie is?" jimin asked and Somi gestured towards Minjeong's room and said that she was inside. Jimin smiled and thanked Somi before making her way to Minjeong's door. She slowly opened it and saw the younger girl sleeping peacefully in her bed.

Jimin tiptoed towards her and got into the covers, holding Minjeong close to her chest. She hugged her and whispered, "Sweet dreams my love." She kissed her head gently and closed her eyes.


As Jimin woke up in the afternoon, she felt a sense of emptiness beside her. Her eyes slowly opened, and she realized that Minjeong was not in bed. Concerned, she sat up and rubbed her eyes before making her way out of the room. In the kitchen, she found Minjeong cooking. Jimin leaned against the doorframe, watching her girlfriend with a smile. Jimin walked towards Minjeong and hugged her from behind, causing the younger girl to be startled at first. However, when Minjeong saw it was Jimin, she leaned back into the embrace.

"Good afternoon baby," Minjeong said softly, her eyes glinting with love as she turned around to face Jimin. As their lips met in a tender kiss, she felt a rush of warmth and bliss fill her heart. But Jimin wasn't ready to let go just yet, pulling her in for another passionate kiss that left Minjeong breathless.

Jimin pressed minjeong against the counter, Her heart raced as Jimin's tongue slipped into her mouth, A soft moan escaped her lips,

After a few minutes, She gently pushed Jimin away, meeting her gaze with a smile "Jimin, are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with love and curiosity.

Jimin gave a nod and hugged Minjeong tight, burying her head into her neck and taking in her soothing scent. "I just miss you," Jimin whispered, her voice filled with longing. Minjeong smiled gently and stroked her hair, "And I have some news for you," she said, pulling away from the embrace.

"I am cooking us lunch. Why don't you take a relaxing shower while I prepare the meal? That way, we can eat and talk comfortably," Minjeong suggested, still playing with Jimin's hair. Jimin smiled, nodded, and disappeared into the room, while Minjeong resumed cooking with a big grin on her face.

A/N: they are so cute making me wanna puke rainbows and butterflies.

Jimin had just taken a refreshing shower and opened Minjeong's closet to find something to wear. She loved putting on Minjeong's clothes, and Minjeong loved seeing Jimin in them too. As she stepped out of the room, she noticed that Minjeong had already prepared food and was busy scrolling through her phone, waiting for Jimin to join her. Jimin walked over to Minjeong, and as soon as Minjeong heard her footsteps, she put down her phone and invited Jimin to sit and start eating.

"How was your day?" Jimin asked, taking a bite of the delicious pasta that Minjeong had made. She gasped at how good it tasted and looked at Minjeong with sparkling eyes. Minjeong smiled, touched by Jimin's adorable behavior.

They spent most of the time talking about Minjeong's day, and Jimin listened intently as Minjeong shared her thoughts and incidents. Minjeong was grateful for Jimin's attentive listening, and she felt her love for Jimin growing even stronger with each passing moment. As cliché as that sounds she can never stop loving Jimin.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?" she asked softly. Jimin took a deep breath and sat up straight, meeting Minjeong's gaze.

"You know how I went out today because I had something to do?" she said. Minjeong nodded, waiting for her to continue. "I went to a job interview a few days ago and they called me today and they told me that they took me in and I can start tomorrow," Jimin said.

Minjeong's eyes widened as she smiled widely. She stood up and pulled Jimin into a hug, "Congratulations, baby," she said, trying to pick Jimin up and spin her in the air like in the movies. But Jimin was too tall, and they ended up falling to the floor. They started laughing about what happened, and Minjeong kissed Jimin's cheeks. "I'm so happy for you."

Jimin smiled, but Minjeong could tell there was still something on her mind. "I decided to do something if I'm moving in with you," Jimin said, playing with her fingers nervously. "But don't say anything, because I originally wanted to get a job until the university application opens."

Minjeong took Jimin's hand gently, stroking it. "You know you didn't have to do that, but if you wanted to, I'm not going to stop you," she said with a warm smile. "I'm here for you, no matter what."

As they hugged each other, Jimin couldn't resist tickling Minjeong, making her squeal and struggle to break free, Minjeong accidentally kicked Jimin in the face. Jimin's hands flew to her face, and she stopped moving. Minjeong immediately tried to take Jimin's hands off her face, but she wasn't responding "I'm sorry jiminie I didn't mean to" A tear rolled down Minjeong's cheek.

When Jimin finally removed her hands, she looked at Minjeong with a grin, but her expression turned to concern when she saw Minjeong crying Why are you crying I am okay" Jimin tried to reassure Minjeong and hugged her, but Minjeong kept pushing her away, still feeling guilty. Jimin laughed softly "It's okay, Minjeongie, I'm not hurt. Please don't cry. I was just kidding around," Jimin said, pulling Minjeong onto her lap and holding her close. Minjeong sniffled and wiped her tears, feeling calmed by Jimin's embrace. Jimin couldn't resist smiling at how cute her girlfriend looked when she cried.

"I never realized you were a crybaby," she said with a chuckle as she ran her fingers through Minjeong's hair. After a few minutes of silence, she assumed Minjeong had fallen asleep snuggled against her neck. However, she was surprised when Minjeong suddenly started kissing and sucking on her neck. "M-Minjeongie?" she gasped, feeling the younger girl smirk against her skin.

"You need to be punished for making me cry," Minjeong whispered in her ear, jimin felt shivers down her spine as minjeong stood up and pulled her towards the bedroom.


I'll leave the rest to your imagination...

I hope you enjoyed this chapter please don't forget to comment and vote kindly xoxoxo...

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