Chapter 28

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As Minjeong slowly opened her eyes, she felt the warmth of the sun's rays on her face. The room was filled with a bright light, and she took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the brightness. As she shifted her body, she felt the sensation of someone else's breath on her neck, and a smile spread across her face as she remembered the moments they had shared the night before. Her cheeks flushed with a soft pink shade

As Minjeong gazed at the figure next to her, she felt affection and warmth. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and finally, she could express her feelings to Jimin without fear of rejection. She reached out and lovingly stroked Jimin's hair. Then, she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Jimin's forehead. Jimin stirred, her eyelids fluttering open and closed as she adjusted to the light. Minjeong couldn't help but find her adorable at that moment, with her sleepy expression.

Jimin's eyes opened, and she greeted Minjeong with a smile, "Good morning," she softly spoke. Leaning in, she gave Minjeong a gentle peck on the lips. However, Minjeong craved more, Jimin playfully pushed her away while giggling, "I need to brush my teeth first." she stood up and was unbothered by Minjeong's lingering gaze because she was undressed "Stop being a pervert and looking." she jokingly said and Minjeong laughed and stood up alongside her.

Approaching Jimin, Minjeong hugged her from behind. Jimin couldn't help but sigh softly at the warmth of their bare bodies pressing together "I love you" minjeong expressed while kissing Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin unconsciously smiled and replied, "I love you too." They exchanged a kiss, but their intimate moment was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

Tiffany knocked on Jimin's bedroom door "Jimin, can I come in?" she asked, her tone gentle. Inside the room, Jimin and Minjeong were in a state of panic, pacing around the room and searching for their clothes to wear again.

Jimin's heart raced as she heard her mother's voice. "No, Mom, just a minute," she yelled out, trying to keep her voice calm as she looked for their clothes.

Tiffany paused for a moment, then said, "Okay, come down for breakfast when you're ready. And Minjeong, you're welcome to join us too."

Jimin froze when she heard her mother mention Minjeong's name. She and Minjeong looked at each other in shock, Jimin realized that she had forgotten to lock the door.

"Oh no," Jimin muttered, her face flushing bright red as she facepalmed herself.

They got dressed and went downstairs only to find Tiffany sitting she didn't eat it looked like she was waiting for them. Minjeong bowed greeting Tiffany and Tiffany told them to take a seat and start eating.

As they came down the stairs, Jimin noticed her mother sitting at the table, quietly eating her breakfast. Slowly, they walked towards her and sat down beside her. "Good morning Mrs. Yu," Minjeong greeted her awkwardly.

Tiffany gave her a sharp glare, causing Minjeong to feel nervous. "Just call me Auntie," she said, her expression softening into a warm smile. Minjeong could sense the sudden mood shift, and it made her anxious. "I'm sure you will call me Mom soon," Tiffany muttered the last part under her breath, which went unnoticed by Minjeong. However, Jimin heard it and furrowed her brow, wondering if she had heard it correctly.

As they began to eat, Tiffany kept glancing at Minjeong, making her feel uncomfortable. Tiffany's expression kept changing from a warm smile to a stern look, and Minjeong felt like Tiffany could see right through her.

Midway through their meal, Jimin cleared her throat and looked at her mother. "So, did you come to my room last night?" she asked, trying to hide her embarrassment by lowering her head. Tiffany nodded and kept a straight face.

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