Chapter 20

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A week before jimin left Korea

Jimin lay on the bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. She felt the guilt for hurting Minjeong, hesitant to confront her as she felt Minjeong deserved someone better. Lost in her thoughts, a knock at the door jolted her. "Come in," she spoke. To her surprise, Ryujin entered. "Why are you here?" Jimin asked, with bitterness in her tone.

"I came to talk, can you please hear me?" Jimin tried to leave the room, but Ryujin stopped her. "All I'm asking is for you to hear me out, and then you will never see my face again," pleaded Ryujin. Jimin gave in and sat on the bed, waiting for Ryujin to explain.

"I'm not going to start with the 'it's not what it looks like' shit," Ryujin began. "Jimin, I love Yeji, and I'm sorry for being selfish. You can slap me again if you want, I deserve it." Searching for some kind of reaction from Jimin, she continued, "I was being selfish, and I came here to apologize for my actions because you are my best friend, Jimin, and I hope we can go back to how we were before." Although she desired to fix their friendship, Ryujin understood that regaining Jimin's trust would be difficult. "You can take your time. I'm here to also tell you that I am going back to America, so you won't see me ever again until you forgive me," she sighed and then stood up.

Before Ryujin could leave, Jimin stopped her. "Ryujin, wait." Ryujin looked surprised. "You will leave just like that after promising me that you would wait for me until I graduate?" Jimin's unexpected remark caught Ryujin off guard.

"What do you mean?" Ryujin asked.

"I am going back with you," Jimin confirmed as Ryujin stepped closer to see if Jimin was serious. "Plus, I need time away from everyone here. I need to get away," Jimin admitted, her gaze fixed downward.

"Jimin, are you sure you want this? You know it's not okay to run away from your problems," Ryujin tried to prevent Jimin, suggesting she consider confronting and fixing her issues. "It's not my place to ask, but what about Minjeong?" Ryujin noticed the sadness in Jimin's eyes. "And what about your family?" she added, trying to stop Jimin from leaving with her, but Jimin insisted.

"I messed up everything with Minjeong. I don't deserve her. She was kind to me while I was being an asshole," Jimin confessed, her voice heavy with regret. Ryujin reached out and held her hand. "My family would understand, hopefully."

"I respect your choice, but you have three days. I hope you can change your mind because running away will only make things worse," Ryujin said with genuine concern.

Ryujin's words echoed with truth, and Jimin realized that she hadn't understood until now.


The following day, Minjeong woke up feeling uneasy, knowing that she had to talk to jimin, which deeply worried her. While making coffee and lost in thought, somi honestly stated, "You look like shit."

"Thanks," Minjeong sarcastically smiled. Turning to somi, she asked, "Could you do me a favor?" Somi nodded, and Minjeong requested, "Could you stay out today?" as she planned to take jimin home and have a comfortable conversation.

Somi teased, "Got a date coming over?" Noticing Minjeong's reaction change, she grew concerned. "Are you okay? Maybe you want me to stay and help?" Uncertain of the situation, somi was willing to help.

Minjeong smiled and declined, "No, thanks." Somi agreed to stay out for the day. Minjeong left for Ning's house and she didn't have classes today but had work later.

Arriving at Ning's house, she noticed Jimin's house nearby and wondered whether she still lived there, or possibly with Ryujin. Also wondering why Jimin had gotten back with Ryujin despite Ryujin's past actions, she ignored these thoughts, realizing that it wasn't her place to think about it.

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