Chapter 6

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Jimin woke up earlier than usual. She was so excited for today because of a certain someone. She took a long shower and after that, she got dressed and went down to make breakfast.

As she flipped the pancakes in the kitchen, she sang loudly and danced to 'Flowers' by Miley Cyrus. Jimin wasn't usually a morning person, but today felt different- she felt like a whole new person altogether. Aeri suddenly spoke up, startling Jimin and nearly causing her to drop the pancakes. "You were so busy dancing, you didn't even notice me coming downstairs."

She dramatically held her heart and said "I almost had a heart attack!" But then she started singing 'Heart Attack' by Demi Lovato. "I made pancakes and cut strawberries. There's Nutella on the kitchen cabinet if you want it. Enjoy!" She kissed her sister Aeri and went to the front door. "I'm going to walk to school. You can take the car. Bye, love you!" Aeri was standing still, not knowing what had just happened. "She is indeed weird," she thought. So she shrugged it off and started eating pancakes.


"Minjeong!" Jimin called out to her. As she turned around, Jimin surprised Minjeong with a hug. "How are you?" Jimin asked. Minjeong awkwardly patted her back and then pulled out of the embrace.

"I am fine? What about you?" jimin was smiling at her and not gonna lie it was kind of creepy.

"I am great!"

Yep, I can see that." She stood awkwardly in front of creepy, smiling Jimin, waiting for her to start a conversation. Luckily, she was saved when Ningning arrived with Aeri. "Oh, Ningning, hello!" She hugged Ningning and whispered in her ear, "Thank God you're here.

After exchanging greetings, they proceeded to their respective classes as the bell had rung.


The first three periods went by so fast from Jimin's point of view. To be honest, she didn't pay attention in any of her classes and this almost caused her trouble because teachers would suddenly call on her while she wasn't paying attention. She was overwhelmed thinking about her upcoming date. She had mixed feelings of regret, but at the same time, she had no regrets.

She considered canceling the date but decided to go. Walking out of class, she was surprised to see Minjeong waiting for her. "Oh where are the others?" she asked.

"They were here but you took so long so they left to eat lunch"

"Why didn't you go with them then?" Jimin felt bad for making them wait too long while overthinking her date with Ryujin.

"I wanted to wait for you" Minjeong looked down while Jimin smiled, feeling something oddly weird in her chest, but she didn't pay attention to it.

"Ok let's go" They walked in silence through the empty halls while all the students were at the cafeteria. Jimin cleared her throat multiple times to break the awkward silence.

"Are you okay" Minjeong grew concerned, but was relieved when she saw Aeri and Ning with Jimin, who smiled and nodded at her.

"Finally what took you so long" Aeri rolled her eyes.

I had to finish something in class." Jimin groaned five minutes later when the bell rang. "I just got here, what the hell?" She then apologized to Minjeong, "Sorry, Minjeongie, it was my fault"

Minjeong turned to look at Jimin so quickly that she thought she might break her neck. "Minjeongie?" Ningning snorted, then pulled out her phone to text Minjeong.

Ning: you should've seen the look on your face haha!

Ning: dude I can tell you got it bad.

Jimin looked at Ning oddly. "I mean if you don't mind me calling you that. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop. It's okay," Minjeong interrupted Jimin's rambling.

"No, it's okay. I like it," Ningning snorted, and Minjeong glared at her while Jimin and Aeri looked lost.

"I am leaving," Ningning gathered her belongings and walked away after this entertaining performance that had just taken place in front of her.

"Wait for me. We have classes together" Aeri said as she ran behind her.

"Let's go to class?" Minjeong asked, but Jimin gave her a devilish grin. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Minjeong was confused because Jimin was acting strangely today.

"We didn't have lunch, so why don't we skip class and continue eating," Jimin whispered.

"Are you really planning on skipping class? You just got here this week," she said in disbelief, but then chuckled and asked, "Okay, do you have a place in mind? We should go before they start looking for us." Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I do have a place in mind"


They were sitting under a tree outside the school, munching on their food in silence. Suddenly, Jimin broke the silence and asked Minjeong, "Why did you leave America?" she noticed Minjeong stiffen and stop eating, and she quickly added, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"My grandmother passed away" Jimin stared silently at Minjeong, waiting for her to continue."She passed away from cancer and we had to move back to Korea"

"I'm sorry I didn't know that" minjeong smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, I am over that," she said. She looked at Jimin and she only now noticed that Minjeong's eyes were so beautiful. Those beautiful brown orbs gave her a feeling of warmth and comfort, and she felt drawn to them in some way.

"Kim Minjeong and Yu Jimin go to my office immediately" Their moment was interrupted when the principal caught them. They stood up and followed him, holding their laughter.


I'm sorry if it was too boring but I tried my hardest to write this chapter because I don't even have time for myself anymore because of school but I am trying.

Anyway please kindly vote for all chapters and I hope you enjoyed bye xoxo.

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