Chapter 3 - Fears

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Even though Ain was determined to fight, in the end when the monster pounced on him, he still instinctively closed his eyes and could only clumsily thrust the knife into the air.

But the imagined pain never arrived.

Confused he opened his eyes and the picture in front of him completely shocked him.

The Duke who had previously laid behind him on the ground unconsciously, was now standing in front of him, and in his hand was the creature that had threatened them before, with its life slowly fading away.

The Duke's calming voice came from above. "Everything is fine now."

Upon hearing his words Ain's heart which had previously raced, slowed down.

And with this, the world around him grew dark.

. . .

The moment Eltanin's eyes looked into the eyes of the man on the ground before him, he fell into a trance.

Seeing the other look at him with teary eyes made him think back to the moment he saw them for the first time.


All he could see at that moment were these big golden eyes that were nervously staring at him.

Although he had said to himself that no matter the appearance of his bride, he would neither show like nor dislike on his face, at that moment the only thing he could think of was, that the eyes of his bride looked like the most beautiful star he had ever seen.

Even his annoyance flew out of the window at that moment.

Eltanin didn't have many weaknesses, only three.

With them being his people, cute stuff, and ... golden things.

And these eyes hit his weak spot directly.

To be honest, even till now he still couldn't understand why they sent this golden star to be his bride. Besides being a sub-male, he couldn't see any 'defects'.

But who knows what kind of ideas they instilled into him.

What brought him back to the present moment.

If he were to be honest, saying he only felt a bit guilty about scaring the little golden star so much he fainted, would be an understatement.

But better safe than sorry, because he could never forgive himself if he brought someone dangerous back home.

So he needed to asses the danger level of this man.

And the result?

So weak he couldn't even hurt a fly and he had no intention to harm him.

Well, it still couldn't be ruled out that he was sent to spy on him and report the situation in his estate.

Whatever his intention at least now he was sure that every one of his people could eliminate this human if needed or at least knock him out.

What was left now, was to test his personality and goals.

And if he passed his tests he wouldn't mind keeping this golden star around.

If not... Eltanin lifted his bride from the ground and let his sight slide over the other's face.

A cold laugh escaped his lips

... he wouldn't mind sending him back where he came from, either alive or dead.

. . .

When Ain opened his eyes again, he was lying in a bed.

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