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A few minutes passed and still tae wasn't found and Jungkook was as usual now getting frustrated ,he has literally searched whole home but still couldn't get tae .

Jimin: Where is he ?( asked being so done )

Kook: ( shrugged annoyingly ) I don't know ,I found that devil everywhere but couldn't .

Jimin: Why do I feel like he is going to get a fine beating this time ! ( crossed his arms )

Kook: I told you hyung he is just being too much bratty 😑 he needs to be disciplined !!

Jimin : ( sigh ) First get  him then we will see ( at the same time tannie came running toward them and start circling around their legs trying to get their attention ) What do you want tan !( but tan only barked  telling them something )Are you hungry ?

Kook:( picked him up and glared ) Now what you want !!

Tan:( wiggling and continuously barking )

Kook: Aren't you too ,getting out of hands little devil ( glared )

Tan:( wiggled and tossed out of kook's hands and jumped on floor ,looked at Jimin and Kook for a moment being silent ,but  not  getting  any response he again barked cutely and turned his head toward the direction of boxing room and again looked at them )

Jimin:( raised his brow not getting what the puppy wants to say ) We can't play with you tan !

Tan:( stopped barking ,looked at them and then bite on Kook's pants and tried to drag him behind him )

Kook: I think he is trying to take us somewhere ( and tan barked as yes  understanding what he said ) See !

Jimin: Tae has trained him well( chuckled and they followed tannie to Kook's boxing room ) Why would he take us here ( asked kook confused)

Kook: Because of this ( he pointed at the door nob which was twisting continuously from inside ) Is tae there ?( he asked looking at tan who started running around his feet)

Jimin: So he is hiding here all time 😐 What just goes on in his little mind to try such things ( shook his head )

Kook:( held the door nob firmly ) Are you in here Tae!( asked strictly )

Tae:( gulped ) No I am n_ot

Jimin: ( facepalmed  himslef ) Come out brat ! Let me teach you a lesson !

Tae: Hehe hyungie sorry 🙁

Kook:( trying to open the door but it wasn't ) Open the door , we won't say anything !

Tae: You are lying ( pout ) I can sense danger 😕

Jimin: ( chuckles ) No danger here baby ,just come out ,he wont say anything

Tae: ( nervously ) Not even if I say I broke somethin--

Kook: What Did You Broke This time !!!!

Tae: I don't know ☹️ I was trying to lift  it up but it fell down on and -- Something broke

Kook: YOU Just come out I --

Jimin: He won't say anything Just open the door

Tae: But he is angry ( whined loudly enough for them to hear )

Jimin:( sigh ) He isn't ( looked at kook ) You won't say anything right Kookie ( said ahowing him eyes and Kook nodded unwillingly )

Kook: Ok I won't say now open the door ( said sighing irritatedly )

Tae: You sure 😕

Kook: Yes ! ( rolled his eyes )

Tae: But how do I come out ( pouting ) Its not opening !

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