Romance Winners (Part 1)

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📢✅ Breaking News: The Romance Genre Winners Have Been Selected!

Attention everyone! Prepare yourself for the announcement of our winners 🌟 We've finally arrived at the moment you've all been waiting for - the winning authors of The Fabulous Writer Awards have been chosen!

"Drumroll, please! 🥁🥁🥁

The winners of the Romance genre of the Fabulous Writer Awards are here to claim their rightful place in the spotlight. These incredible and talented writers have amazed us all with their stories and their unique ability to transport us to different worlds.

And a very special thanks to Judge Minooiii for judging all the fabulous books.

Now, time to announce our winners!!!

The book that secured third place is...

The bipolar beast by Emerald_666666


Cover: 7/10

The cover is good but I think you can have a better cover to show your title better.

Title: 10/10

Your title suits the story.

Writing style: 9/10

Your writing style is unique and I like the fact that you used different nationalities and vibes in your book.
However, I think that it needs a bit more organisation with the font and their dialogues and thoughts.

Storyline: 8/10

This storyline is also a familiar, rich rude guy/poor good girl trope, however, you wrote it in your unique way. In addition, I like the fact that it has a comedy vibe inside of the story so that the readers won't get bored.

Grammar: 6/10

There are some punctuation, capitals, and grammar errors.
Characters: 9/10

I like the Female lead's character and personality. She seems strong-minded.
Steven was also understandable since he's a bipolar person judging by the blurb and the title.

Enjoyment: 8/10

The plot is rom/com and I enjoyed it. It was fun to read. However, I wanted more interactions between main leads.

Overall: 8/10

Total score: 65

Feedback: I want more scenes with the main leads.

The book that secured the second place is...

Romantic story by aurora_2604


Cover: 9/10

The cover looks good in my opinion.

Title: 8/10

The title could've been something more eye-catching but it suits the story judging by the blurb.

Writing style: 9/10

The Writing style is fluent. The scenes and characters are well described.

Storyline: 7/10

The storyline is one of the common topics, but it has its own unique ideas and unexpected things. So I actually liked the fact that it was familiar yet surprising.

Grammar: 7/10

There were some grammatical errors such as pronouns, etc, but overall the word choice and sentences were good.

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