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"She forgot her phone," Charlie says quietly, placing a large phone in front of him. It's covered in shiny pink diamonds, has seven rubber ice cream charms, and a furry B hanging off it. "So?" Austin asks pushing it back to him and continuing to study his other binder. "Bet she is still in the parking lot..." Charlie says.

"I do not care, Charlie."

"You should."

Austin sighs heavily and looks up at Charlie, he is starting to piss him off more than usual. "And why is that, Charlie?" he asks. "She is out there all alone..." Charlie says pushing the phone toward him again. Damit. "You are lucky you are married to my sister or I would punch you in the face," Austin says snatching the phone.

"You have punched me before."

"You deserved it," Austin throws over his shoulder as he walks out. He scans the parking lot but he can't see her so he walks down the stairs and looks down the line of bikes. At the end of the line, he sees her climbing onto a bike, but she is not alone. She is with Drake and he is grinning, it's a slimy grin. Has the girl got no common sense?

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" Austin calls out. Their heads snap towards him as he marches down toward them. Drake takes a step back and Baby's eyes widen. "Oh, this kind man offered me a ride to my car. These heels are killing my feet, they are not made for walking," she says, then squeaks when Austin grabs her arm and rips her off the bike. "You are very rough," she says. But, Austin does not answer her because he is too busy glaring at Drake. "Hey man I was just being friendly," Drake says putting up his hands and taking another step back. "Friendly my ass," Austin spits out and drags Baby away. "That was very rude," she whispers trying to free her arm from his grip.

Austin ignores her struggling and drags her back into the bar. "Sit," he says pushing her into the chair at the table she was sitting at when he first came in. "Do not move," he says throwing her phone on the table and then walking off to the kitchen. He pulls out the first aid kit in the back office then walks back out again, glaring at Charlie for good measure before he drags a chair up next to Baby and sits down. "Face me," he snaps. She turns her whole body, slotting her legs between his knees. She has tears streaming down her face and is trying to control her crying with little hiccups.

"Stop crying. There is nothing to cry about," Austin says placing the first-aid kit on the table and flipping it open. "You are really mean," she hiccups. "Yeah well not as mean as that guy you were about to leave with. He fucked his girlfriend up last week. She is in a morgue," he says. "Oh..." she whispers. "This will sting," Austin mumbles pouring hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad and then looking at her. He stills for a second, his hand an inch from the cut on her cheek. She is looking at him with big doe eyes, big pretty doe eyes. She is beautiful and has an air of naivety and innocence about her. His dick twitches and his thoughts wander to corruption - he wants to fuck her till she is bad.

He shakes the thoughts out of his head and dabs the cotton pad onto her cut. She squeaks and grabs the front of his jacket. "That hurts," she says, starting to hiccup again. "Sorry," he mumbles, surprising himself at his compassion toward her. She lets him clean her up and dab cream under her eye. "Keep this, put it on whenever you can. It will help with the bruising around your eye," he says handing her the cream.

"Will it stop the black eye?"

"Ain't nothing stopping that shiner, sugar," he says packing up the first-aid kit. He stands and takes the first-aid kit back to the kitchen then comes out again. "Come on," he says pulling her out of her chair. "Where are we going?" she asks taking off her shoes and running behind him as he walks out, he flicks Charlie and Harry off as he passes them. They piss him the fuck off. "Um...excuse me, where are we going?" she asks. Austin ignores her and walks down the stairs then stops and turns around when he does not hear her running after him anymore. She has sat herself down on the stairs.

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