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Jolly Roger tonight?

Austin stares at the message from Harry. Why does he keep asking? Every evening he sends the same message and every evening Austin refuses to answer him which leads to Harry moaning about being ignored. It's fucking annoying.


He replies. He has gone every night since he was sixteen and now at twenty nine he finds he wants to stay in his house. His house has a distinctive cotton candy smell to it now and the gentle clanking of dishes in the kitchen while Baby does fuck knows what. He wants to stay here. She has sent him to the bedroom, begging him not to come out till she calls him as she wants to surprise him with something - he hasn't the heart to deny her. Which by all accounts is ridiculous because he didn't even know he had a heart - it's been making an appearance a lot lately and he needs to find a way to kill it again - blacken it.

What the fuck?

Are you serious?

Are you sick?

Austin rolls his eyes and throws his phone on the bed. Why is he friends with Harry? The man grinds his gears. His eyes flick to the door when Baby calls out to him so he slips off the bed and heads into the kitchen. It's smoky and if he had smoke detectors they would be going insane. He can also smell burnt plastic. "Hi. You look so handsome," she says. Austin has to stop himself from pulling a face, not because he is disgusted or annoyed at her words but because they are confusing. She paid him a compliment for no reason other than just existing. No prompting either. He doesn't think that's normal. Or is it? His upbringing was not what one would call conventional. Does he compliment her back? "You look pretty..." he says. It sounds weird coming out of his mouth, he has never said anything like that to a woman before. He never says anything nice. But, it is true. She looks pretty.

"Thank you!" She says twirling around. She has a bright pink dress on that makes her look like a cupcake topper, but sexy. "It's from a famous designer and I got it before it even showed on the runway. I would tell you all about it but I don't think you care," she says grinning at him. His dick is hard again and it just might be time to admit he had a kink, a sweet tooth. "I don't care," he says grabbing her and lifting her onto the kitchen cabinet, she wraps her legs around his waist and giggles before he smashes their lips together. "Oooh it's hot in here," she says pushing him away and fanning herself. "Is that your gun or are you just happy to see me?" she says then laughs at her stupid joke. Austin is ashamed to admit he lets a chuckle escape his lips.

"Both," he says. There is a flash in her eye and he can see she gets off on the danger he presents. But, he could never hurt her, and if truth be told he is still coming to terms with how he feels about that. "Put me down, please. I have a surprise for you," she says. He lets go of her thighs and keeps his body close to her as he pulls her off the counter, letting her slide down his body slowly till her feet hit the ground. "That's not fair," she groans, Austin smirks at her and then takes a step back. It takes her a moment to smooth her outfit and get her head right. He knows she is seeping through her panties.

"Ok, sit down," she says pushing him down onto a chair at his little kitchen table. "Tada!" She announces as she places a plate in front of him. He does not know what he is looking at and is afraid to ask. "So? What do you think? Go easy on me, it's the first meal I have ever cooked," she says. She looks so proud and hopeful as she stands with her hands clasped in front of her. "Uh..." he hums picking up his fork and loading it with something he still cannot identify then pops it into his mouth. His gag reflex reacts almost immediately and the salt that is now swirling in his mouth burns the roof of his mouth. He forces his mind to go black while he chews slowly then forces it down. "So?" She asks again eagerly. "It's good," he says, clearing his throat.

Reputation - Post MaloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora