chapter : 14

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Heesung was really frustrated now..
Kanji isn’t giving space - all day attaching to him like the caterpillar glues to trees.

"Can you give me some space?"
Kanji didn’t even bother to answer.

They are now on the way to their vacation - to Maldives.
More like a second honeymoon.
Which Heesung didn’t want to happen.
He is tired : from all of these - sex.

They are in the waiting room.
The flight got delayed.
"I am hungry"
Kanji smiled "I am also hungry. Let's cancel it and book a hotel near, huh?"
He started kissing heesung.
"I want food. Not your tongue."
He huffed.
Kanji made a face like he didn’t like the comment at all.
Kanji left him.

"There is buffet. Let me take some."
Heesung stood up .
And kanzo followed behide.

When he was eating, he saw kanji shouting at someone from a far.
He didn’t pay any attention to it.
Heesung was just eating slowly - really very slowly. He was eyeing every corner of the floor to every man. After finishing he went inside the toilet and said Kenzo to wait outside. Which kenzo obeyed without further question.

Heesung grabbed this opportunity.
The ventilator was big enough for him to pass through. He without losing a moment went out from there. Releasing a sigh, he started running.
He had everything planned inside his head. He took the first cab that came.

The first few minutes he didn’t feel anything except his heart beating.
When the body heat settled he realised he did it. A smile came automatically to his lips.

"Where to mister?" the driver asked
"The furthest you can take"
The driver looked at him with confusing eyes "you ran away from home?"
Heesung didn’t reply.
He randomly told a village name near the sea area.


The water was clean, really clean.
Heesung is here for three days now.
No one is disturbing him.
He did have little money on him which is getting him by.

He had taken shelter at the orphanage near the market. They first refused but the secretary there being a kind woman approved.

But he is thinking about shifting from there soon. It's risky to stay this close.

Heesung went inside a small restaurant to have a good meal.
He was wearing his disguise perfectly, even his skin tone couldn’t be recognised. He ordered crabs - as he was gobbling them some people entered the place and was talking to the owner. They looked dangerous, heesung got alerted. But he maintained his act.

He was confident with his look.
After some minutes those goons were gone. Heesung went out after exactly ten minutes. 

But he could see them lurking around the area. This is not good.
He had to change the place. As he was trying to go inside the orphanage he saw a car waiting outside, he was intellectual enough to understand the severity. He easily walked past them.

Now he was sitting on a bus going on another destination.

Heesung pov:
I slept throughout the whole night, at dawn the bus stopped for a break.
It was a quiet place.
The guy beside me was also sleeping.
I tried to wake him up but he was in deep sleep. After 30 minutes the bus again started for it’s destination.

"Excuse me do you have water?"
I saw it was the guy beside me.
I gave him my bottle.
He looked pretty beaten up.
His face was all black and blue.

"Thank you."
I just nodded. There was this tension inside my mind, what if he comes suddenly in front of me...

"I am Gulf. And you are?"
"Where is this bus going?"
I looked at him questioningly.
"You don't know?"
He just shook his head.
"Actually i just took this bus because it was on already starting up. And i was on the run."

"Actually I also don’t know"
"Then we both are same."
"Where did you get those scars?"
I know i am overstepping the boundary but I had nothing else to do.

He looked embarrassed,
"Is it that bad?"
I nodded
"Actually my boyfriend gets angry easily. Then he doesn’t care about anything." he tried to smile.
But i felt sad.
He is like me.

"Then you should break up" i said
He again smiled "i tried but he got more angry, and he bashed my head"
I got shocked.
How can someone be so heartless?
"It’s ok. Now he can't do anything."
"How did you know that?"
He smiled again "actually yesterday was my wedding ceremony and i ran away, he must be furious now"
This guy is really pure.
His eyes talk more than thousands words.

"Enough of me.. What about you?"
I sighed "i just wanted peace"
He nodded "sometimes our surrounding becomes suffocating"
"So now what will you do?"
"Don't know. I will try to have some rest."
"What if your boyfriend finds you?"
He snickered "i know he will, he is someone with big contacts, he can easily find me - i will eventually get beaten up more or worse die"

I am really feeling bad for this guy.
But i am also not in a good position.

Now my mind was wandering to Kanji. What he would do when he finds me?

That night after heesung escaped the airport :

Kanji is standing in the middle of thousands of dead bodies scattering around.

He was smoking with left hand. His right hand hold the sword he used to slaughter the airport.
Even those guards.

Kanzo was on the floor with a missing hand - bleeding continuously.
"I am sorry for my incompetence Master"

Kanji snickered
"Go to hospital, fix yourself and find me my wife or you know"

Kanji came out from that place.
His mood got soured.
His mind was running wild.
He would have been inside his beautiful wife now if these bastards could work properly.

He was now missing his Yome so much.

"My love you should not have done this. Now i am angry at you."

He walked towards the bus. He is in mood of some more red liquid.

In ten seconds the whole road got alerted from the agonizing screams coming from that bus...

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