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"Heesung baby what happened to your face? " Omma came to pick me.
"I hate it here omma. Plz send me to Korea. " The car echoed with my loud cry.
"Baby stop crying. Tell omma what happened. Did some one say anything to you? " Omma put my face on her hands. "Look at omma baby "
"Ommmaa he is so bad, so bad. He slapped me so hard. Every one was laughing at me. I don't wanna go to school again. Plz omma plz. "
"Sushh.... Sushh baby tell every thing omma clearly"
I was crying non stop.
"Ok .. Let's go have strawberry ice cream. Then we will talk. "
Omma kissed me all over the face.

After having my ninth strawberry ice cream I calmed down. Then I explained everything to omma. She was furious. She assured me that she will talk to the principal. After coming home Appa also pampered me with movie night and his special dishes, my favorite gyukatsu.
I even got a day off.

Omma came with me to the principal room. The principal didn't say much. But he assured he will investigate the matter. After that my week went by without much to remember. But still no one talked to me. But I am happy . I don't want bullies to be my friend.

After one month :

I think I am coping up well now. My grades improved slightly. I even made a friend, Jake. He is also from Australia. His mom is from Japan. But he is not like me. He has a lot of friends. Every one likes him. Suddenly one day he himself approached me. He felt sorry for me . He saw that slap incident. Now we are good friend.

"Heesung. Come get your papers" My class teacher called.
I got A- in Math. Not bad but not good.
I have to study more.
"You did good. But you have to improve more if you want to transfer to a well renowned college. "
I nodded  " Yes sensei"

At the tiffin time, I was waiting outside Jake's classroom. Every one was glaring. I don't know what happened again.
Jake came hurriedly " We should not go to the canteen today  "
I was confused  "why? "
"Actually  Kanji is here today in school"
I was dumbfounded "who"
Jake hissed " Don't you know anything? "
"I don't understand"
Jake took my hand and started going towards the terrace.
"Will you say something? "
"The boy who slapped you is actually the only legitimate son of the Yakuza leader. He is called kanji. He is the only heir. He doesn't come to school regularly. He doesn't need to actually. They rule over every thing actually. "
"What? Yakuza is real? I thought these are only myth. And what does it have to do with me if he is in school or not?"
"Because I don't want you to be on his bad side. You already got on his nerves. He doesn't forget anything. Plz listen to me once. We should go to the cafe near school. "
"Ok then"
I was now afraid. I didn't know this things. I will stay out of his face as much as I can.


The class started. I noticed something unusual today. Every one in the class is avoiding my eyes. No one is looking at me. More like no one is looking at my seat.

I was engrossed in the board. I didn't notice when someone sat beside me.
I suddenly felt some one was looking at me. I didn't put much attention. Because I have keep up with the teacher. I have to recover my grades.

"You look cute when you don't understand the math" A voice whispered in my ear.
I looked and I was dumbfounded.
It was the kanji..
I just stared. I don't know what to say.
Don't tell me this is his seat.
"You should concentrate. The teacher is going fast"
Then I came to my senses.
I looked and the teacher already finished. I felt like crying. How will I get the equation? No one helps me here. I started crying in frustration.
He was still looking at me. I could feel that. But I wiped my tears and started to keep up with the teacher. I will ask Jake. Hope he will help me.

"Sensei repeat the pervious equation." Order kanji.
I was stunned with his voice.
Did he just help me now?
The teacher didn't even say a word and started the previous equation. I felt happy. I smiled. I started to understand now. The class came to an end. I was feeling good.
I suddenly remembered I should thank him. I looked at him. But he was already out of the class.
I came out with my beg..

After coming out, I saw him with his group sitting in his white Lamborghini's bonnet.
Every one stopped laughing after seeing me there.

He looked at me, "What""I

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He looked at me, "What"
"I.. wwwanted say thank you"
He smirked.
"Cutie you should not say thank you empty handed. Didn't your Appa teach you that ? "
"What will you like? "
" Cutie will you be able to give? "
"I will if it's in my hand"
"It's in your hand. "
He took my hand which was trembling.
"Your hand is so soft. " He kissed my palm.
I was shocked and tried to free my hand but he was much stronger.
"What are doing? Leave my hand "
"And you said you will give me a thank you. I want you to kiss my cheek as a thank you"
He started to put more kisses on my palm. I just stood there dumbfounded.
"Then I will take my thank you"
He kissed me on the lips.. It was a light kiss. It was so sudden. I didn't even get the time to refuse.
He took my first kiss in front of the whole parking lot.

Then without thinking much I slapped him.  There was pin drop silence after that.
I fucked up......
Some one save me plz..

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