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Later that night after the Temple is closed and all the Priestesses are preparing for the morning ceremony, Aphrodite succeeds in sneaking out from the Temple to meet the guy that dared to enter her Temple earlier that afternoon. She wears her white pinkish dress and long dark robe to cover her hair and tiara as the High Priestess. She walked carefully while looking around to make sure that no one recognized her gone away from the Temple.

When she arrives at the village, she feels something sweet and warm fill her heart and she smiles when she looks at the neighborhood as caring and loving one another without a barrier. They seem to care and love each other and look after each other, Aphrodite feels like she's being selfish by betraying Hephaestus as her real husband instead of Ares and Apollo as her new couple. She sighs deeply and tries to manage her heart that she's okay and there's nothing that will happen to her. Besides, her power is entrusted to her through the pendant necklace that was given by Zeus before she fell from the graciousness of Olympus.

The more she walked deeply into the Village, the more she saw many ways of showing affection and love to others, even though they're not your husband, wife, family, or even beloved. Love has the power to connect amazingly which she never expected before. Aphrodite felt like she'd betrayed many of her servants who chose her as their guide and for example but far away from them, she became a girl that was filled with lust to have many handsome guys or even Gods in Olympus. Suddenly, she couldn't hold the emotions that filled her chest and so Aphrodite cried near the fountain.

"I... I'm sorry... I'm sorry Hephaestus! I shouldn't do that to you, you're perfect the way you are but I've been blinded by my lust for Apollo and Ares. Please forgive me, my husband" She said while pleading before the fountain and she's crying harder this time.

 Please forgive me, my husband" She said while pleading before the fountain and she's crying harder this time

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Little did she know, behind her the same guy with a sword earlier that afternoon already stood before her. He took pity on Aphrodite but Aphrodite didn't notice his presence until she saw a shadow from the flickering torch she hurriedly looked back and caught the figure of that guy and she hurried and wiped out her tears.

"Is everything alright?" Asked the mysterious figure but instead of answering, Aphrodite slapped him and shocked him.

"How dare you see me in my punishment time?! Does everything look okay to you?! This is all your fault and your brother's!! I hate you two! If I hadn't gotten caught by Hera that night when we were talking on your balcony, none of this would have happened! Yet you didn't save me in court!" Snapped Aphrodite and the figure just giggled in satisfaction.

"Poor thing. Apologies for that, but as you see I'm the most muscular guy in the world, it's impossible to resist my muscles. Don't pretend that you don't like it, don't you?" Replied him while holding her cheek.

"Don't touch me, Ares! Perhaps you're the God of war and manly things but you forget it's love that makes your daughter get killed when Poseidon's son tries to marry her! It's under my authority for that, don't you dare disrespect me, Ares!" Said Aphrodite in sharply looking at him and making Ares get quick goosebumps.

"You... How do you-"

"It's not important from whom I know that tale. Now, what's your purpose for coming to my Temple and asking me to meet you here in the middle of the night? Is this such an urgent thing from Olympus or anything about your romance story that you wish for me to help?" Replied Aphrodite seems impatient with him.

"Don't you recognize my act that I'm jealous of my brother, Hephaestus?! I'm jealous of him that can marry a gorgeous Goddess like you! While I can't have you as my wife since Mom didn't allow me"

Those words hit Aphrodite so deeply and made her cough in shock.

"Go on" She commanded while looking at Ares with serious looking.

"Oh for Styx's sake! Don't you know I'm in love with you?! Don't you know I love you, Aphrodite?! Marry me! Leave Hephaestus and be my wife! I'll take you anywhere with my chariot and I can guarantee lovely and joy with me"

Aphrodite quickly fell to her feet and almost fell to the fountain. When Ares tries to help her, she slaps his hand and says that she's okay. But she hard to breathe hearing those words from Ares.

"You... How can you... Hera will kill me this time!" Replied Aphrodite and she walked away from Ares but with his power, Ares held Aphrodite and pulled her closer, and in a good act of man, he kissed Aphrodite and both of them fell into a deep lovely scene.

For a moment, Aphrodite enjoyed the kiss but she quickly realized that it was wrong and she hurriedly pushed Ares away from her

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For a moment, Aphrodite enjoyed the kiss but she quickly realized that it was wrong and she hurriedly pushed Ares away from her.

Aphrodite slapped Ares again but this time Ares didn't giggle or say anything. He simply silent and let Aphrodite slap and punch him.

"Are you done?"

"Why are you doing this to me? Why Ares, Why?! If you truly love me then why didn't you help me earlier in Mount Olympus?! Why do you make everything seem hard to me? Please go... Just go, Ares. If Hera finds out we still do such a thing, she definitely will kill me and throw me to Tartarus. At least, if you love me then go for good and never forget that I'm Haphaestus's wife" Said Aphrodite with tears and trembling.

She gathers all the strength that she has and
she walks away from Ares who stands still by the fountain. Ares looked hopelessly when saw Aphrodite walking away from him, but what Aphrodite said was true the law of marriage was clear and she was Haphaestus's wife and there was nothing he could do about it.

Defying her marriage status is the same as defying the Queen of the Gods' decision, in this case, his mom, Hera. He sighs deeply and slowly goes in the opposite direction and when he's already far, he commands his chariot to take him back to Olympus. From below, with tears, Aphrodite sees Ares's chariot above heaven to Mount Olympus.

"WHY?! WHY... WWWHHYYYYY???!!!!" Screamed Aphrodite and quickly made the entire neighbors come outside and check on her but when they arrived, Aphrodite already fainted with her tears and all her surroundings turned to pitch black.

By The River Styx, I Adore YouWhere stories live. Discover now