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The carriage of Aphrodite and Hephaestus arrived at the human world right at Aphrodite's main Temple. Aphrodite took off from her carriage and looked at her husband with pity and sad eyes but she forced herself to smile. Hephaestus did the same thing but before she could say anything, her Goddess clothes changed into a High Priestess cloth and she felt like she didn't have any power that was possessed inside her. She watched as the carriage flew away from her with her husband inside and the doves.

She sighed and took a deep breath and walked confidently into her Temple. Something unexpected happened to her when she first stepped on the stairs, she saw a poor teenager pleading in front of her statue and he seemed so desperate about something. Her curiosity reached her heart and she decided to approach him. She watched closely and the teenager cried in silence while pleading. She no longer can hear each of her servants praying but for sure she knows that tears are about losing someone she loves.

"What happened to you, young man?" Asked Aphrodite while holding the teenager's shoulder

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"What happened to you, young man?" Asked Aphrodite while holding the teenager's shoulder.

He's shocked and disbelief that someone is looking for him. He hurriedly wiped out his tears and bowed his head to Aphrodite who became the High Priestess now. He smiled but deep inside, Aphrodite knew that he was hurt and pain by love.

"You're honorable. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were standing behind me, please forgive me" He replied but Aphrodite just smiled and nodded.

"It's okay. I heard that you're sobbing beneath the statue of our Goddess. What happened? Do you wanna tell me?" Asked Aphrodite with curiosity while looking at the teenager's eyes.

"Is this a good way to tell you as the High Priestess of Aphrodite about my love story and my relationship? Is this not such a sin? I've come here many times but I don't get it, why is the Goddess so mean to me? What sin that I made until she punished me with this hurt and pain!" At the moment Aphrodite tried to remember who this teenager was, but the more she tried to remember the more she couldn't recognize him.

"No, of course not, it's not a sin. Perhaps if you tell me I can give you advice or something that can help you with that" Aphrodite replied with a smile and the teenager nodded faithfully to her, " Alright then, come with me we will talk inside the Temple in the garden it will be better than here" She continued and walked towards the Temple.

When she was walking inside the Temple, many Priestess were greeting her. She walked gracefully towards the main Altar she took the flower from the closest pot placed it near the statue and walked towards the Altar. She turned left and entered the main Altar along with the teenager.

"Apologies for questioning this, Your Excellences, is this proper to ask you to bring a boy inside this holy Temple?" Asked one Priestess and Aphrodite looked shocked but she immediately smiled.

"This boy is saving my life from wild boar, of course, I would like to thank him" Replied Aphrodite and quickly disappeared behind the wall.

Aphrodite and the boy walked side by side and hurried to go to the garden

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Aphrodite and the boy walked side by side and hurried to go to the garden. The boy was quickly mesmerized by the beauty of the garden, he kneeled before the grand statue of Aphrodite and honored her wholeheartedly.

"Why do you honor the Goddess so deeply even though She hasn't answered your prayer?" Asked Aphrodite but the boy just smiled and rose from his feet.

"Because I believe without her love, I shall never be like this. Without the sisters of fate, I can't ever be born into this world. I honor her not because I wish my prayers be answered by her, but because I believe, my Goddess knows that I will always pray upon her. That's my loyalty to her" Replied the boy Aphrodite felt warm in her chest and her cheek blushed pink but she quickly covered it.

"What a wise word, young man. I'm sorry I believe I sounded rude, but who do you call yourself?"

"I'm Cyrus, your excellence" While bowing his head to Aphrodite.

"I see. What a good name you have, come have a seat, now tell me what happened to you until you prayed like that before. Perhaps I can use my power to grant your wish" Said Aphrodite and the boy quickly looked at Aphrodite in disbelief.

"Since when can a High Priestess grant a servant's prayer? Are you a magician or something else?" Replied the boy with curiosity.

"What? That's ridiculous! I'm not a magician, I mean I'm Aphrodite's High Priestess, perhaps I can pray to her and she'll grant you all your wishes for love"

"What makes you believe that She'll listen to you?"

"I don't know, but I believe each deity must be heard by all those who pray to them wholeheartedly"

"I don't know, but I believe each deity must be heard by all those who pray to them wholeheartedly"

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Before the boy can answer the door of the garden opens and three priestesses run inside in panic. Aphrodite quickly rose from her seat along with the boy and looked at them.

"What happened?"

"Your excellence, there's something happened by the Altar. Many bandits are trying to enter the Temple, we've closed the door but they broke it and now they're on their way inside!"


Aphrodite and the boy along with the priestesses go to see what happens. How shocked she was when she realized who had broken into her Temple and made chaos inside the Temple.

She walked towards the teenager that she knew so well who it was. She sighs deeply and commands the entire Priestesses to manage the Altar while she will manage it.

"How dare you come to my presence after what you did in Olympus?!" Said Aphrodite and the unexpected guest were surprised to see her standing before him.

"Well... Well... Well... Look what we have here, a young and beautiful girl standing before me!" Said the guy that was holding his sword.

"How dare you say such a thing like that to the Goddess's High Priestess? Be gone!" Said the Priestess behind Aphrodite.

"Ahhh I see, now it all makes sense!"

"I have no desire to talk with you, better for you to go now or I will kick you out of here? Choose wisely"

Without any words, the unexpected guest decides to go back but before that, the guy with the sword comes closer to her and pulls her,
"Meet me by the fountain later this midnight, or else I'll kill all your Priestess, Aphrodite".

"So be it"

By The River Styx, I Adore YouWhere stories live. Discover now