Start from the beginning

Nov 14, 2023, 1:24 AM


Moira watched Ruarcc try it out before she nodded with a small smile. "Let's try them out then.." she said picking a few up as she walked over to the wooden chest. She kneeled down by it putting the first one in the lock and turned it.

Nov 14, 2023, 8:18 AM


Unfortunately the key didn't turn. And instead it stuck as it didn't quite fit the lock.

Most of the party was quiet now as they gathered and tried keys one at a time on either chest, Arne yelling at Gregor for throwing the ones he'd tried back into the same pile and not the used pile.

Hiccup was quietly contemplating this as if they were missing something, a hand on his chin.

Uriah was pacing around whispering a very quiet prayer for guidance and wisdom as they tried to get through this strange puzzle.

"They're all the same, idiot," Snotlout was saying to Faelan who was studying the keys very closely.

"Hey when you get through one of these puzzles I'll listen to you, alright, slug brain?"

"Hey, don't disrespect slugs like that," Tuffnut said with accusatory finger.

Snotlout shoved him in response.

Nov 14, 2023, 9:35 AM


Moira sighed annoyed now now realizing literally all keys were the same. She started looking around the room again. Seeing if they missed something.


"The keys aren't the same. The teeth are all different," Faelan continued. "But I was seeing if there was anything else to mark a different one."

As Moira looked around, she studied the room they were in. It was a very clearly defined space, like a stone box. The more she looked, the more she was sure there wasn't anything else aside from a crack on the opposite side of the room, indicating the wall there could move to open another door. Probably their way out after they get the treasure.

As they continued to try the keys, Gregor got frustrated and gave up, sulking as he sat on the step that was around the chests.

"We're never going to get through these," Arne complained.

"We're over halfway there. Just stop complaining and help—" Astrid told him but she stopped when the chute opened again, dropping more keys onto the floor in the same spot, the ringing sound of silver hitting silver breaking the quiet talking in the room loudly until the little metal door close again...

"Are you serious?" Snotlout demanded.

Nov 14, 2023, 10:17 AM


Moira looked over her shoulder when she heard the keys fall before sighing deeply as she turned back to observe the crack in the wall. Maybe there was something they needed to push that would open the door? Not seen from down here? "Can someone lift me up?" She asked looking over her shoulders at the others again.

Nov 14, 2023, 10:36 AM


Uriah shrugged. "Alright." He scooped her up bridal style and just smirked at her, knowing that wasn't what she meant.


Moira's cheeks heated up when he did that. "Ye daft man just lift me up normally!" She said irritated to him but secretly didn't know how to react.

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