
Before he could even finish his question, I blurted out "Please don't kick me out of the cheerleading team"

The words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them. The thought of losing my place on the team was almost too much to bear, and I was willing to do whatever it took to avoid that outcome.

Mr. Williams sighed, his expression a mix of disappointment and resignation "I warned you about this, Emery" he said softly, his tone tinged with sympathy. "Your grades in math have been consistently poor, and despite my efforts to help you improve, you continue to struggle"

I hung my head, feeling the weight of his words settle heavily upon me. I knew he was right; my math grades had been... not great, and I had failed to take his warnings seriously.

The pressure of balancing my job, cheerleading practice, and social life with my boyfriend and his friends had left little time for focused studying. And when I did it felt like banging my head against a wall.

I hate math.

"Is there anything I can do to make it right?" I asked, desperation creeping into my voice. I was willing to do whatever it took to avoid being kicked off the cheerleading team.

I need to make my sister proud.

Amelia had been the shining star in our family, the one who excelled at everything she touched. And when she passed away, a part of me died with her.

I couldn't bear the thought of letting her down, of tarnishing the memory of the sister who had meant everything to me. With every routine, every cheer, every victory, I sought to honor her spirit and keep her memory alive in the hearts of those who knew and loved her.

I need this.

Mr. William looked at me, his gaze softening. He knew my sister Amelia, had seen the grief etched into our family's faces when she had passed away. He knew the depths of my sorrow, the lengths I would go to honor her memory and uphold the legacy she had left behind.

Mr. William considered my question for a moment before offering a suggestion. "You could try taking tutoring sessions with one of the smartest students in school, and I believe his guidance could help you improve your grades"

My eyes widened "Who is it?"

"Grayson Lockhart"

Mr. Williams suggestion hit me like a ton of bricks, and my initial reaction was one of disbelief and incredulity. The mere mention of Grayson Lockhart as a potential tutor sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh, what the ass?" I muttered under my breath, unable to hide the disbelief in my voice.

"Um... What about the second smartest kid in school?" I suggested, grasping at straws.

Mr. Williams raised an eyebrow at my reaction but remained unfazed "Grayson has the highest math scores in the school" he explained patiently "And I believe his tutoring could greatly benefit you"

As Mr. Williams spoke, my mind raced, trying to reconcile the image of Grayson as the top student in the school with the memories I had of him. It shouldn't have come as a surprise; after all, when we were friends, he always excelled academically.

But The idea of seeking help from Grayson, of all people, was almost laughable. Out of all the students in the school, he had to be the one chosen to assist me.

I sighed "I can't ask Grayson for help"

"You don't have to" Mr. William chimed in, his tone surprisingly optimistic "I already talked to him, and he's willing to help"

Uh, what?

"Grayson is willing to help me?"

"Yes" Mr. William affirmed.

"Grayson Lockhart?" I pressed on, as if I needed confirmation that we were indeed talking about the same person.


I blinked, edging closer to his desk "Wait. Are we talking about the same Grayson?" I couldn't help but question, tilting my head.

Mr. Williams let out a small sigh, his patience wearing thin "Emery, I know Grayson can be intimidating, but you can't let that hold you back" he urged.

Mr. Williams seemed to misunderstand my reluctance, assuming it stemmed from fear rather than the complicated history between Grayson and me

I gritted my teeth"It's not that" I interjected, my voice tinged with irritation. "I just..."

Mr. Williams studied me for a moment, his expression softening "Emery, I understand that it's difficult, but I believe Grayson is your best chance at improving your grades and staying on the cheerleading team"

I shook my head stubbornly, unwilling to give in "There has to be another way"

But Mr. Williams remained resolute, refusing to back down. "Emery, I'm asking you to trust me on this" he said firmly "Give Grayson a chance. He wants to help you"

Oh, that's funny.

I couldn't help but scoff at the absurdity of the situation. Just days ago, Grayson had made it very clear that he wanted nothing to do with me. And now, suddenly, he was offering his assistance? It didn't add up, and I couldn't bring myself to believe it.

"Give him the opportunity to tutor you. It's worth a try"

Mr. Williams continued to implore me to give Grayson a chance, his voice carried a sense of urgency and conviction "I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't believe it could help you succeed"

I couldn't deny the sincerity in Mr. William words, yet the thought of seeking help from someone who had shown me nothing but disdain filled me with apprehension.

I couldn't shake the memories of Grayson's cold demeanor, his dismissive attitude still fresh in my mind. Especially his hurtful words from that night: "I rather not hear your voice"

Those words had kept me awake, replaying in my mind.

Fidgeting with the pendant of my necklace, I struggled to find the right words.

"Okay... I will think about it" I replied, my voice filled with determination as I made a silent vow to consider all options for the sake of my sister's legacy.

However, before I could leave, an important question suddenly bubbled up in my mind.

I hesitated for a moment, then turned back to face Mr. Williams, whose expression had shifted to one of curiosity.

"Mr. Williams?" I began tentatively.

"Yes?" he responded, his curiosity evident in the tilt of his head.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look like Bob Duncan?"

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