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The showing at the theatre was... good. Although it was not the best show Valentina had ever had the pleasure in viewing and there were a few tasteless jokes about the rebellion that the pair didn't appreciate - though, admittedly, it did get a lot of laughs from the crowd - and were met with an eye roll and stifled laugh between the lovers and their shared distaste; it was a good show overall.

Mostly, Valentina just enjoyed sitting beside Coriolanus, sharing a part of her she wanted to reconnect with the most important man in her life but you'd never hear her speak those words out loud - she wasn't that corny.

The pair waited behind for a few extra minutes before leaving the theatre, wanting to escape the rush that became of the crowds of once sitting people - everyone rushing back to their lives and their escapism emptied. The crowds were now scattered within the Capitol, only a limited number of people outside the theatre, waiting for their cars as the pair of lovers exited the lavish doors.

"That was wonderful, Coriolanus." Valentina breathed out, pulling her blazer as closely as it could be, the night's chill nipping her skin through the fabrics. She looked up to the boy she loved, grinning as his blond hair fell into his face.

"Pitchy in some places but yes, it was decent." Coryo critiqued, half-joking, the redhead rolling her eyes with a smile, not expecting anything else from the opinionated Snow. "Walk with me?" He asked, placing a hand on her lower back in an attempt to limit their distance from one another.

Valentina nodded, showing Coryo she would follow him as they began to walk, him leading the way with his hand slithering between her waist and back as he guided her. "Like you could've done a better job, with your oh-so-perfect empathy and ability to understand the District kids." She jested, bringing up the romanticisation of the Districts portrayed in the show.

Coryo scoffs playfully with a smile, looking down at Valentina to meet her eye. "Okay, Miss Perfect with her dead District admirer." He joked, raising an eyebrow as he awaited Valentina's response, though it was met with an amused face at the mention of Bobbin.

A few seconds later, the pair burst into laughter. The boisterous noise earned a few looks from people they were walking by but the couple didn't care, they were too involved in their own moment. "I've missed this." Valentina sighed happily once the laughter died down.

"What? My teasing? I haven't stopped, I just changed methods." Coriolanus winks down to Valentina, moving his hand to give her ass a light tap and squeeze before bringing it back up to her waist.

The action brought a gasp from Valentina, not because it hurt, but from surprise at his boldness. Coriolanus was not a shy individual by any means but this? It was unexpected to say the least. "Coryo! Public!" Valentina hissed, lightly slapping the hand on her waist, earning a laugh from the blond boy. "But yes, I don't want us to lose that part of our relationship." Her face blushed deeper as she admitted just how much she enjoyed his teasing and their banter that certainly got on her nerves.

Valentina may be in love with Coriolanus but truly she did not want their complete dynamic to falter. It was one thing to blend their rivalry-slash-friendship into a romantic relationship but to completely alter the way they interacted with one another was an absolutely different thing. The redhead didn't want to lose that part of them, it wouldn't feel right.

COME IN WITH THE RAIN || Coriolanus SnowOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara