2~suspicious Athrav

Start from the beginning

"U-umm my name is Radhika, Radhika Sharma you guys can call me Kishori and also.... some people call me mikky you can call me tonight" I said winking at them.

Their eyes widened and they started giggling.

"Ohh thank god you are not like a boring topper student, well my name is, Santika And this is my twin sister mayantika"

"Hii" she greeted me, and I smiled at her saying hello.

"And myself Ishika Reddy but everyone calls me Ishu" she said smiling at me and I smiled back.

There's something wrong, looks like she has been born like this only, All Smily Smily kid.

"Hii and it's me Priyanka but you can call me Piyu" she said taking her hand forward for handshake.

"Ohh Piyu it's a sweet nick name" I said genuinely smiling at her.

"Ohh come on Radhika you also have a sweet nick name... of Radharani.... Kishori how cute" she said while hoofing on her place.

"Ohh okay, now can you guys help me carry them? It's quite heavy" I said balancing my two suitcases and the bag.

"Ohh No, we are sorry we were so excited to know about you, that we didn't even notice these bags" Ishika said while taking my suitcase...

like this they took my all bags to the room no.3 which was on the second floor we also have a balcony Wow...
Ahh long journey are tiring I thought while taking a yawn.

"Piyu, can you help me settle my things, so I can take a quick bath and sleep." I said giving her puppy eyes.

"Ohh girl you don't have to ask and just go take a bath we will keep your thing's on their place, and I will also order something form outside for you because right now it's not time for
pg.-canteen to serve the food" huh-h Canteen...

"We have a canteen?" They looked at me like if I'm an alien,

"You didn't know? that our pg have a Canteen?"

"Ohno, I didn't know about it, because my bestriend was the one who choose this pg." I said looking at them all.

"This canteen are for both male and female, pg student and also where Other course student come there, cause our chairmen have their own different branches and course colleges here."
Piyu said giving me brief theory of, how much rich our chairmen is.

"Oh heck, why didn't my bestfriend told me about this." I mumbled to myself.

"you're bestfriend is also with you, in which room no. She is?" I heard Ishu asking me.

"Umm not she it's he, actually my bestfriend is a guy and we came together to Jodhpur" I said while removing my clothes from suitcase.

"Wow that's great, please introduce us to him." She said.

"Yaa sure" I said smiling at them and made my way towards washroom...

It was really a hectic day; I still remember the way my dadu dadi and papa cried but my mom was standing strong there giving me her proud smile.

And the tears which were rolling down my eyes were making it difficult for me to look at her.

I took a deep breath before stripping from my clothes and standing under the shower.

The warm water was soothing my body and I felt like the huge load has been lifted up from my back.

From tomorrow my college will start means new part of life and new drama which I will create, I can't wait for that.

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