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"I almost fell asleep in PoliSci

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"I almost fell asleep in PoliSci. My prof was speaking so slowly today for no reason," Gyuri complains as she and Yoojung walked out of their campus together.

Yoojung sighs, "Comms was pretty meh for me today as well. Honestly, I was hungry the entire time. I didn't get to eat this morning because I woke up late."

Gyuri sends her friend a look of surprise, "You know how to wake up late? That's new."

Yoojung rolls her eyes before asking in an enthusiastic tone, "Wanna go get ramen at the usual?"

"I can come with you for a bit, but I gotta go quickly after. I'm doing something with my boyfriend. He's picking me up in thirty."

"Boo," Yoojung whines. "Have you forgotten that I am more important and impactful in your life than he is and will ever be?"

Gyuri grins, squeezing her friend's cheeks with her two dainty fingers. "Of course, but it is not my fault I have plans."

"Whatever, let's just get to the ramen place before he arrives," she says, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away.


Yoojung sat across each other in a table of four, the only table available since the ramen place was busy at the moment. It was usually these hours - the university's morning session - when the place got crowded by students.

"So," Gyuri initiates some small talk as they waited for Yoojung's order. Gyuri didn't bother to order since she was leaving anyway. "How's your love life?"

"Nonexistent. No one has swept me off my feet yet," Yoojung was quick to reply as she stared off to the distance, yearning for her ramen.

Gyuri gasps as if she wasn't one of the few people Yoojung constantly updated about her life, "Still? At this point, you're going to be single for the rest of your life. The last person you dated was Hana and that was what? In 11th grade?"

Ah, yes. Hana. She proceeds to mumble underneath her breath, "That wasn't that long ago." She and Yoojung dated for about half a year before the two called it quits due to their differences... or more like due to Yoojung's picky standards of wanting a significant other who was ambitious in their career. Hana was more like a party animal. Yoojung wanted someone who had plans.

"Life is too short for you to stay single," Gyuri declares. In fact, it literally is too short, Yoojung sighs.

Out of nowhere, Yoojung hears the chair beside her screech. She turns her head and sees someone occupying it. Upon realizing who it was, she groans out of annoyance, "It's you."

She was well aware that he needed something from her although not exactly sure what it was. She wasn't in the mood to bargain with him for her life at the moment because hunger was all that her mind focused on.

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