Chapter 4

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By the end of the week Gabrielle finally got her house feeling like home again. She had everything cleaned and organized how she liked it. There was no dust or dirt in sight. She had made a few calls to see about getting a few of the carpets replace and maybe getting some of the rooms painted a different color but, unfortunately no one wanted to work with her. It seemed that the accident and her father's lies were continuing to make her life miserable. She sighed when she hung up the phone from the last contractor that told her he wouldn't work with her.

As she sat in her living room watching tv she was flipping a card in her hand. She was debating calling the number on it. She wasn't one to ask for help and usually figured out how to get things done on her own. After the show she was watching ended she took a breath and pulled out her phone. She dialed the number and prayed it wouldn't be answered. After the third ring she almost hung up but heard a voice at the other end.

"Hello, Chase Holdbrook's office. How can I direct you call?" The voice said sweetly.

"Hi, May I speak to Mr. Holdbrook please." Gabrielle said.

"Sure thing, one moment please."

The line went silent for a moment before Chase answered.

"Chase Holdbrook speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hi, Chase, this is Gabrielle Silverstone. I hate to bother you, but I may require some help." She said, nervous in her voice.

"Hey Gabrielle. I was wondering if I would be hearing from you. How can I be of assistance?" Chase said chuckling.

"Well, its kind of an odd request. I was wondering if you knew of any contractors that haven't read newspapers in the past 5 years. I have some work that I would like done and keep getting turned down at every turn because of something that happened in the past." She said as she bit her lip.

"What happened so bad that you can't get a contractor? Sorry I shouldn't have asked, it's none of my business. I do know a few. What do you need done and when are you available, I can get that set for you."

"It's a long story. But I am always home but I would like things done sooner rather than later. I just need some carpets done and some rooms painted, nothing extravagant." She told him.

"I just want to freshen up the house a bit."

"I will see what I can do. Can I get your number so ti can let you know what they say?" he asked.

She was hesitant but gave him her cell number.

"Oh, and Chase, please don't tell them who it is for. I don't want them to back out if they know." She told him.

"Ok no problem, I will tell them it is for a friend." He told her.

She knew that he was curious about why she had made such a request but that was a story for another day.

"Thank you so much. I hate asking for help, but I seem to have run into a wall that I can't get over." She told him honestly.

"It's not a problem. One of these days I want to hear all about the wall." Chase told her chuckling. Granted he already knew.

"Well, I know you must be busy so I will let you go. Thank you again." She said as she hung up the phone.

She was smiling when she hung up. She was grateful that Chase didn't ask any questions as far as why she couldn't get the contractors herself. She would save that story for another time.

She didn't have long to wait before her phone rang. She looked at it but didn't recognize the number but thought it may be one of the contractors. She answered it. It was a male voice on the other end. He was from one of the contracting companies that Chase must have called. They set up a time to come out and do an estimate for the following day. Gabrielle told them that the cost wouldn't be an issue and that she wanted it done as soon as possible.

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