Chapter 3

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While Gabrielle slept, on the other side of town Chase was doing some investigating on her. He still could not put everything together. He hated the feeling of something important being left out. He scoured the news papers for any clues as to why the Goldblooms wanted Gabrielle dead. He was coming up empty until he found an article that was published about a month after the accident.

It said that it was actually Gabrielle who was at fault for the accident. It said that she had bribed the police to falsify the report to say that it was Camille who was the drunk one and caused the accident. He said that it was her fault that Camille had died and that it should have been her instead. He slandered her across tons of news outlets and from what Chase could find it cost her her career.

It was still a bit odd to him that that would be the only reason that Mr. Goldbloom would want this girl dead. He turned his attention to Gabrielle Silverstone next. From the looks of her history, she was literally nonexistent up until seven years ago. When he went to look through her file, he found nothing except her acting career. This confused him a little bit. It was like she just appeared over night and became a Hollywood sensation.

He turned his attention back to Mr. Goldbloom and he finally found what he was looking for. He found that 25 years ago he and his wife had a baby girl, Camille, who from the looks of it was their pride and joy. 2 years later he found out that they had another daughter, Gabrielle, who had to struggle for everything she had not only that he found that Mrs. Goldbloom had died giving birth to Gabrielle. He found out that 7 years ago she had gotten a full ride to any college of her choice but never went. From there it was like she vanished until a girl by the same name appeared literally days after Gabrielle Goldbloom disappeared, Gabrielle Silverstone.

Now things were starting to make sense to Chase. Mr. Goldbloom wanted Gabrielle dead to avenge his oldest daughter and his wife, whom he thought should still be the one alive, not his surviving daughter. From the looks of things he would stop at nothing to destroy his surviving daughter for taking the two most important people from him. What Chase didn't understand was from his reading it sounded like Mrs. Goldbloom wanted to get rid of Gabrielle from the moment she found out she was pregnant and it was Mr. Goldbloom that changed her mind.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a phone ringing. He looked at his cell phone and saw it was Mr. Goldbloom, probably wondering if he had completed his job. He was torn between lying to him and telling him that he could take his money and this job and shove it. He knew thought that it was only a matter of time before Mr. Goldbloom would hire someone else to take out Gabrielle.

"Hello, Mr. Goldbloom. I was just thinking about you." Chase said.

"Cut the pleasantries. Is it done, is she gone."

"I went by her house like you said and there was no one there. I don't know if she went somewhere else or if she is still in the hospital." Chace lied through his teeth.

The voice on the other end started grumbling.

"Alex said she was supposed to released yesterday. The hospital said she is no longer there. I don't care how much it costs, I want her found and I want her taken care of. Is that understood" Mr. Goldbloom said, venom spewing though every word he spoke.

"Yes, sir. I will do my best." Chase said, feeling a pit in stomach.

The call disconnected and Chase sat there with a dilemma on his hands. He had met Gabrielle and even though he didn't realize who she was, she didn't seem that bad, at least not bad enough to kill anyway. He knew he either had to come up with a plan to make it seem like he killed her or he actually had to do it. He didn't understand how one man could hate his daughter so much to want her dead.

The next day Chase and his driver, Kevin, drove past Gabrielle's house. They didn't have their normal black sedan so she wouldn't recognize the car if she happened to see them. He noticed that instead of drawn curtains with no life inside they were open and the windows were open. He had Kevin slow to a crawl as he saw a figure dancing in front of the widow. He smiled to himself. She must be getting the house back in order. When he last saw the inside of her house he could tell that it had been a while since anyone had cleaned. He shortly saw Gabrielle bring a rug out front and shake it, causing her to get into a coughing fit because of the dust. Hee chuckled and then had Kevin keep driving.

Gabrielle was in full on cleaning mode. She had been left along by reporters thankfully. One of the perks she thought of her father destruction of her career. She started in the kitchen getting the dishes washed and the dust out of the cupboards. She then took to the refrigerator and cleaned that, she was going to grab groceries later that day. When she got the kitchen back to its former glory she went and started on the living room. The doctors told her to take it easy for a few days but she wanted to get her home feeling like home again. She ripped the coverings off the couches and chairs, causing her to get into a coughing fit so she opened up the windows to help. She took down the curtains and got them in the washer. She then grabbed the small area rug and took it out to shake it off. She didn't realize that she was being watched as she shook the rug out, coughing again. She went back inside and started dancing with her vacuum, cleaning the mess up as she went. She was starting to feel like she belonged here again.

About one or so she decided that she would take a break from cleaning and head out to get a bite to eat and some groceries. Since she didn't have a car and it was nice out she decided that she could walk. It wasn't that far anyway. When she started out she felt like she was being followed, as she looked around she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. She shrugged her shoulders and kept walking.

She stopped at a hotdog stand to grab lunch and then decided to grab what she needed from the farm stand just up the road. When she was done she headed back home. She was a little shocked to see a black sedan parked across from her. The window rolled down and she was even more surprised to see Chase.

"Hello, Chase. I wasn't expecting to see you so soon." She said, squaring her shoulders.

"I was just passing through. I thought that was you walking. Would you like a ride so you don't have to carry those heavy bags all the way home?" he asked her getting out of the car.

She was about to say no but the sky started turning black as if taunting her to say no. she sighed and agreed. She climbed in the car after loading the back of it up with her bags. She really needed to get a car if the weather was going to be stubborn like this.

When they arrived back at her house, before she could even get out of the car Chase has his hands full of her bags. She shook her head at him and lead the way to the kitchen. He set them down gently.

"Thank you." She said.

"You didn't need to do bring them into the house thought."

"It was no problem, really." He told her.

"I would offer you a cup of coffee but I am not a coffee drinker. I only have tea."

"That's ok." He told her.

"I have to get going anyway. Next time you need a lift somewhere please call. It really isn't any trouble." He said as he turned to leave.

Gabrielle thanked him again and watched as he got back into his car. As if on cue the rain started coming down hard. She sighed and went around and closed the windows that were opened and started putting her groceries away. Unaware of the danger she put herself in talking to Chase. The worst part was that he was the danger and she never even knew it.

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