Chapter 2

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After Gabrielle's mishap she was stuck in the hospital for another day. She hated it there and just wanted to go home. She didn't know what to expect when she got there but she knew that Alex wouldn't be there. She was furious at her father for telling Alex those lies. She was more upset that he believed them. She thought he would be different. She had her reasons for not telling him about her past but part of her felt that she should have and maybe she would have ben able to avoid all of the drama.

The next day she was able to go home, finally. She had no way to get there though, not one of her so called friends had answered her calls or texts, so she called for a cab. She had to wait a few hours for one though, so she sat outside the hospital soaking up the sun. She still had her phone and decided to see what had been happening while she was out.

She did a quick search and found all she needed to know. Apparently, her father went public with his lies after Camille died. He tried to blame it all on Gabrielle, even with the police statements that said it was Camille who was drunk behind the wheel of the other car and ran a red light causing them to crash. Her father said that Gabrielle had bribed the police to make false accusations and went as far as saying she was faking the coma to gain publicity. He slandered her name across the papers and ultimately it did its damage. She had read that her agent had dropped her and that no one wanted to collaborate with a lying murderer. She shut her phone off. She had read enough to know that once again her father and sister had ruined her.

She sighed. She didn't know what she was going to do now. Thankfully she still had her youth and could start over if needed, in a new city. She could always change her name and go back to school like she had wanted before her father ruined that as well.

She kept looking at the time on her phone thinking that the cab should have been there by now, but it was no where in sight. She called the company, and they told her that it would be another hour before the cab got there. She decided that she didn't want to wait any longer, so she cancelled it. She quickly typed in her address on her phone and realized she was actually four blocks from her house so she decided that she would walk. It was a nice day after all.

She was about two blocks from her house when it started raining. Of course, she didn't have an umbrella or anything to keep her dry. She started to pick up her pace when she heard the sound of squealing tires.

"Not again." She thought to herself.

She was able to get out of the way just in time, as a black sedan came at her, hydroplaning. It crashed into a nearby pole. The driver got out and looked pissed. She quickly started back on her way when a voice caught her off guard. It was the driver of the sedan.

"Are you ok, miss?" The driver asked her, looking her over.

"I am fine, thank you for your concern. You didn't hit me though and your car looks worse for wear than I do." She told him.

She went to start walking again when she saw a tall man in a black suit and sunglasses get out of the back seat of the car. She was a little shocked when he started to walk over to her. Although she couldn't see his eyes, she felt the intensity from his stare as he came towards her.

"Are you sure you are, ok?" the man asked her.

"Yes, I am ok just a little wet from the rain, but I won't melt." she said slightly chuckling.

"I have another car on its' way. Let me at least give you a ride to where you are going." The man said.

"I only live about two blocks that way. I should be fine." She said. Something about this man terrified her and she didn't know why.

"Here, at least take this." he said, handing her an umbrella.

"Thank you, sir, but really it is useless now." she said looking down at her clothes, now soaked through.

Before she could say anything else her head started to spin from all the excitement. She almost collapsed when she felt a pair or arms around her.

"You should be taken to a hospital." The man said.

"No, I actually just came out of one. I would rather not go back." She told him honestly.

At the time another black sedan had pulled up.

"Well, I am at least giving you a ride home. I don't want you collapsing and back in the hospital." He said as he left no room for argument.

"Fine. Here's the address." She said stubbornly.

The man looked rather shocked. That was the address that he was heading to. He was contracted to kill the woman that lived there. He was supposed to do it yesterday, but something had happened, and the woman wasn't there.

"May I have a name miss? After all I did save you from returning to the hospital." he said, smirking.

"Gabrielle Silverstone." She told him.

"And yours?" She asked.

"Chase, Chase Holdbrook." He told her with no hesitation.

To hear her name was even more chilling, this was the women that he was sent to kill. He didn't know details about why he was assigned to kill her only that she had wronged the Goldbloom family and she needed to be delt with.

"What harm could this frail looking woman do to the Goldbloom's?" He thought to himself.

When they arrived at Gabrielle's house, she thanked them for the ride. Chase handed her a card and told her if she ever needed anything to call and he would be there. She smiled and thanked them again. As she headed inside, she turned and waved. The black sedan pulled out of her driveway as she unlocked her door.

The driver of the sedan looked back at Chase with questions in his eyes. He had overheard the girls name too.

"What are you going to do boss?" The driver asked.

"I don't know, Kevin. I really don't. I know I should have killed her, but I don't see what she could have done to the Goldblooms for them to want her dead. She was a famous actress that got into a car accident that ended their daughters life but that wasn't Gabrielles fault." Chace told him.

He had a lot to think about on his way back to his office that he knew for sure. He had to come up with something to tell Mr. Goldbloom. He thought about lying to him and saying she wasn't at the house, but he had never been a good liar. He would come up with something. He needed to know more about why they wanted her gone and he knew the only person that could answer that was Gabrielle Silverstone.

Once Gabrielle was safely inside her home, she let out a long sigh. Her house didn't feel like a home anymore. She noticed that all the furniture had been covered up and there was a think layer of dust on everything. She wandered around just looking at everything and relieving the memories that she had here. She finally made her way up to the bedroom that she had once shared with Alex. The bed was still there but like everything else was covered up. The pictures that hung on the wall were no longer there. She wanted to cry, she knew there was no use wasting her tears on someone that didn't deserve them.

She found some towels that were still in the closet, thankfully they weren't dusty. She started the shower and cleaned out some of the dust that was there. She took a long hot shower, only getting out once the water started to get cold. She walked back into the bedroom to her dresser. Thankfully her clothes were still there. She put on some pj pants and top. Looking at her bed she pulled the cover off it and the bed itself stayed clean. She curled up in a little ball and tried to sleep. She would work on getting the rest of the house back in order in the morning.

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