Chapter 1

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When Gabrielle finally woke up, she was in for the shock of her life. It had been 5 years since she fell into a coma, and a lot in her life had changed, she just did not know it yet.

The doctors were happy to see that she had woken with no brain injuries and was fully functioning. She had passed all their tests. They wanted her to stay one more night for observation to make sure was one hundred percent ok to be let go. She reluctantly agreed.

She dialed the number to her husband's phone and a strange voice answered.

"Hello." The voice on the other end said.

"Hello, I am looking for Alex Silverstone. This is his number correct?" She asked.

"Yes, this is number, but he isn't available right now. May I take a message?" The voice asked.

"Yes, please, tell him his wife called and she needs a ride home tomorrow the doctors are letting me go." She said.

She was met with silence on the other end of the line. She was confused. Suddenly she heard Alex's voice in the background, saying something she could not make out. She then heard his voice on the phone.

"Gabrielle?" He asked.

"Yes, it is really me. I am able to go home tomorrow and was wondering if you were available to bring me home." She repeated what she had told the other person.

"I will be at the hospital in a little while. We need to have a long talk." He said hanging up the phone on her.

She was now really confused. Who was the female voice on the phone? Why did Alex seem so hesitant to come get her? What did they need to talk about so urgently that they could not wait until she was home? All her questions would soon be answered, although she would not like them.

Alex arrived at the hospital three hours later. He spoke with the doctors and the agreed with letting Gabrielle go the next day. He ran his hand through his hair before he entered her room.

She looked so different from the last time she saw him, five years did a lot to her. Her once glowing face was now hollow and pale. Her long brown hair, which was normally soft and kept, was now a unkept mess. The light that once shown in her eyes had diminished.

He knew that she would be in rough shape but didn't think it would be this bad. As he walked in and sat down, he tried to figure out how to tell her what had happened while she was in a coma. He figured the best place to start was at the beginning.

"Glad to see you back with us, Gabrielle." He started.

"As you know you were in a coma for five years. The doctors didn't think that you were going to come out of it, to be honest none of us did. You got into a car accident on your way home from the movie premier. Do you remember that?"

Gabrielle nodded.

"You were hit by a drunk driver and were in rough shape. Somehow though you managed to survive it. The driver of the other car wasn't so lucky. Before you say anything, you should know that the driver of the other car was your sister, Camille."

Gabrielle's eyes went wide. Not just at the fact that he knew about her sister but that she had been the one to hit her.

"Before you ask the only reason why I know anything about your sister is because your father was here too. He filled me in on everything. It left me a lot to think about. I thought I knew the girl that I married but apparently not." Alex told her.

"How could you hate your sister so much that you had to one up her at every turn." He asked.

Gabrielle was confused at first but then realized that her father fed Alex a bunch of lies to make her out to be the bad guy. She went to tell Alex that what her father told him wasn't true, but he spoke before she had a chance to.

"I made my decision then and there that I would not let you lie to me anymore. When the doctors told me they were not sure when or if you would wake up, I made my choice. I went to the lawyers office and had divorce papers drawn up. Since you were not able to sign them, he was able to put a clause into it that if you were still in a coma after three years our marriage was over. Before you ask, I left you the house and the only money that was spent was for your medical care." He finished.

Gabrielle didn't know what to say. She was hurt and had tears running down her face. She didn't know whether she wanted to scream because of the lies that were told about her or throw something at Alex for believing them in the first place. She chose to stay quiet because Alex had already made up his mind about her. She told him to leave and never speak to her or about her to anyone. She did have one last question for him though.

"Who was the woman who answered your phone?" She asked with a shaky voice.

"My girlfriend, soon to be fiancé." He told her as he walked out of the room.

Her heart shattered. It seemed as if he really didn't care about her anymore. She wanted to scream but no sound came out. Her monitors started beeping like crazy and soon her room was flooded by doctors. They gave her something to make her sleep and soon she was sound asleep in a dreamless slumber.

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