Prom Date - Prowler Miles x Fem!Reader

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You longingly stared across the room at the dancing couples on the other side of the gym, laughter mixing with the soft beats of slow music. Teenagers awkwardly looking into each others' eyes, smiling and moving along to the rhythm of the slightly muffled beat while the underpaid DJ tried his best to hype up the music.

You sighed, looking down at your scuffed heels, pressed against the bottom of the bleacher bench as you rested your chin in your palms, trying your best to blink back tears. Your fingers fiddled with the corsage your date had given you an hour earlier. What a crappy evening.

And then, you felt the bench you were sitting on creak slightly. You glanced over to the side to see a boy sitting next to you, wearing a deep purple suit with his braids done neatly, a solemn expression on his face.

"You got ditched too, hmm?" He asked quietly, looking straight ahead and not even making eye contact with you.

You stared at him for a moment before you nodded gently. "Yeah. Yeah, I did." You admitted, looking back sadly. "So much for the best night of our lives, huh?"

He scoffed. "Whoever told you prom was supposed to be the best night of your life was lying to your face." He said a little sharply. When you fell silent, his expression softened and he turned his gaze towards you, the corner of his mouth slightly upturned. "But...that doesn't mean it has to be the worst night either, you know what I mean?"

"Not really." You replied with a half-smile, turning your body to the side slightly to face him. "Sorry, what was your name again?"

"Miles" he said, shaking his head. "We're in the same physics class?"

Your eyes widened and you swallowed back a lump of embarrassment in your throat. "Sorry. I didn't recognize you." You said quickly.

"Nah, it's alright. I don't blame you." He said quietly, glancing back towards the dancing couples, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I like your dress by the way" he said softly.

You looked down at your dark red prom dress, a wide smile covering your face. "Thank you." You said with a laugh. "I like your suit. It suits you"

He audibly groaned and you chuckled quietly. "That's horrible" he smiled, shaking his head before looking at you again. "I'm guessing you were planning on just sitting here till the night was over?" He asked curiously.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? My date's over there, dancing with some other girl..." your expression fell.

"Another thing we share in common" he said with a frown.

You smiled sadly, looking back down at your hands, clasped tightly in your lap. "Oh well. There's always next year."

He nodded. "I guess. I doubt I'll come next year though."

"oh?" You asked surprisedly. "Why's that?"

"waste of time." He said solemnly. "Waste of money too. I can't believe I got her flowers just for her to ditch me." He scoffed under his breath.

You looked down at the rose corsage around your wrist and slowly untied it. You held it out towards him with a slight smile. He blinked. "What're you doing?"

"I don't have flowers, but I do have this. Take it. Now you won't have wasted anything."

He stared at you a moment longer before taking the corsage in his hands, inspecting it. "Thank you." He said softly. You laughed at his expression, shaking your head. "What? No one ever given you flowers before?"

"Not for a good reason." He said with a slight smile. His expression suddenly turned more rigid as he stared at you. "Would you, uh-would you like to dance?" He asked quickly, cheeks flushing darker.


"Yeah. Only if you want to of course." He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, still holding the corsage in his hand.

You smiled at him, gently taking his wrist and pulling him up along with you. "How could I say no?" He smiled at you and handed the corsage back, slowly tightening it around your wrist before taking your hand.

"Maybe this night won't suck after all?" He teased as he walked you down the bleachers, dark eyes glued to yours.

"A girl can hope."

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