I then reached out to grab the tie and then started to tie the tie on his neck, tidily.

"All done.. " I say as I look at him up and down while tidying his already neat suit a little.

"Yea.. I look just as stunning as always." Mr.Kim said as he peeked at his image on the mirror infront of him with a smirk. Self obsessed much?

"Ahem.. it's 7 am now. Just half an hour till your schedule for the day starts. So have some breakfast." I say as I eye my not a patek philippe grandmaster chime ref. 6300a-010 watch.

"Ofcourse, why not." Mr. Kim said as he winked at himself? in the mirror before heading to the dinning room with his hands in the pocket and a handso- stupid smile on his face.

"I am not even shocked anymore.. " I sighed as I whispered to myself and then followed him.

We had our breakfast together rather quietly today.. I guess he realised what day it is today..

So as to why we had breakfast together? And all other things that a secretary normally doesn't do are done by me. Why? I don't know it became a thing while working for him for the past years.

"Mr.Jeon.. " He called for me as he drank some water after finishing his breakfast and I had also finished too.

"Yes, Mr.Kim." I stood up and grabbed our office bags and handed it to the driver who had been waiting for our breakfast to be done.

I had my tab with me. I opened his schedule for today that I had made with utmost caution as always, considering every essential thing.

"The documents from xx company and yy company are delivered to your cabin which have to be read and signed till 9am then after that have something if you are hungry and then visiting-"

"Is it necessary for me to be there?.." he cut me off, which he usually doesn't. His voice a little off as he made an eye contact with me.

"Pardon?.. Chairman Kim will be there and he doesn't take no as an answer; you know that, Sir."

"Sigh .. when will that old man stop being such a pain in the ass to me." He sounded like he was talking to himself.

Prolly in your next life maybe.. I thought to myself since I couldn't say it out loud.. not wanting to meddle in his life outside office anymore.Then I continued reading the schedule.

"Is that all?.."

"Yes, Mr.Kim."

"If so.. You will be dismissed after the meeting since I don't have much to do today." He said while getting up and wiping his hands with a tissue.

"Alright, Mr.Kim." I said and he nodded in acknowledgement and started to walk out whilst I followed him.


On 9:30 am

After having something we went to meet Chairman Kim since he wanted to go there together with Mr.Kim.

"Good morning, Chairman Kim." I greeted him politely with a bow as I stood beside Mr.Kim.

"Good morning to you too, Wonwoo." He smiled then turned to look at his grandson who maintained a straight face.

"For the nth time Mingyu, learn something from Wonwoo." He stood before Mr.Kim and said with a disappointing sigh.

Mr.Kim clicked his tongue then his lips formed an annoyed smile.

𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥 ✔️ 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕨𝕠𝕟 ♡Where stories live. Discover now