you surprise her at a concert (requested)

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You couldn't hold back the bright smile pulling at your lips as you kept your eyes on your girlfriend from the crowd.

There's nothing you love more than watching her and the girls perform as she's always so happy when she's on stage doing what she loves with her closest friends by her side and her adoring fans watching her shine, filling up the stadium.

It's been so long since you've been able to come and watch her perform on tour since work and life have been so crazy for you lately but tonight, you're reuniting with your girlfriend after a couple of long months and you couldn't be more excited.

The girls know that you're here and you know they've been struggling to keep it a secret from Jennie because she constantly talks about you and she's been missing you like crazy but they didn't want to ruin the surprise that you worked so hard to pull off successfully.

As the girls finished performing Lovesick Girls, no one could seem to wait for another second to let Jennie know that you're here, especially you.

So when Lisa looked over at you, you gave her a nod and she decided to do a quick speech.

"BLINKs, are you all having fun?" She spoke into her mic and smiled brightly as the fans screamed in response.

"Amazing." Jisoo grinned.

"We always love coming here. New York City is one of our favorite places to perform and we're so happy to be back here tonight. Especially since tonight's show is very special because someone came to surprise our Jennie!" Rosie excitedly said.

Jennie laughed as the girls gave her a big hug before looking at them in confusion.

"What is going on? What are you talking about?" She asked as she looked at the girls.

"Here," Jisoo said before covering Jennie's eyes.

Lisa went to the edge of the stage and helped you up before guiding you across it to Jennie.

They were practically jumping up and down with excitement because they truly adore you and they're so happy that you're here.

But even more so, they know Jennie is going to be so happy and they can't wait to see the look of surprise on her face when she sees you.

The fans were cheering loudly so Rosé put her finger up to her lips to try and quiet them down so they don't ruin the surprise.

"Okay, ready?" Jisoo asked.

"Yes!" Jennie giggled.

Jisoo pulled her hands away and when Jennie opened those beautiful brown eyes that you absolutely adore, she saw you standing there and a gasp fell from her lips instantly.

For a second, it was so surprising and so unexpected that she thought she might be dreaming.

"You're really here? Or am I just dreaming? Do I need to pinch myself to see?" She asked, making everyone laugh.

You gently brushed your fingers along her arm and your touch made her melt.

"Oh, my god. You are. You're really here!" She said before throwing her arms around you. "Oh, my pretty girl, I can't believe that you're here. I've missed you so much."

You held her tight as she buried her face in your neck and breathed in your familiar and comforting scent.

"I've missed you too, baby." You said as you kissed her head. "I couldn't go another minute without being by your side. I love you so much."

She was almost about to cry due to how truly happy she was.

It's not easy touring constantly and being so far away from home and the ones you love so having you back in her arms meant everything to her.

Pulling away from the hug, she cupped your cheeks in her hands and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.

Your heart was about to burst as her lips moved against yours so lovingly.

At last, despite being so far away from the home you share, you were both finally home again, because you were with each other.

"Aren't they just the cutest?" Lisa smiled and the fans cheered in response, making you and Jennie laugh.

"Hey, cuties. I hate to interrupt but we have a show to finish." Rosé teased.

"Okay, okay," Jennie spoke against your lips and kissed you for a few more seconds before pulling away. "Thank you for coming, baby. When the show is over, you're all mine."

"Happily." You grinned. "And, by the way, I'll be traveling with you and the girls for the next week."

Jennie gasped excitedly before you kissed her cheek and let her hands go to make your way back to your seat.

It felt too good to be true... but it wasn't.

Because you're with her again; close enough to kiss, to hold, to touch, and she doesn't ever plan to let you go.

Not for the next week, at least.

You're here with her again, where you're meant to be, and that meant everything to you both.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora